- luxstack/razrbit (0.2.2, 0.2.1)
Razrbit Bitcoin SDK for LUXSTACK platform - bear/dev-package (0.2.3)
dev-require packages for BEAR.Package - kmfk/slowdb (1.0.0)
A Key/Value Store written in PHP - nicolasbize/magicsuggest (2.1.3)
MagicSuggest is a multiple selection auto suggest combo box for Bootstrap 3. - elliotchance/concise (v1.3.5)
Concise is test framework for using plain English and minimal code, built on PHPUnit. - ray/di (1.4.1)
Guice style annotation-driven dependency injection framework - markstory/asset_compress (v0.16)
An asset compression plugin for CakePHP. Provides file concatenation and a flexible filter system for preprocessing and minification. - assimtech/tempo (0.0.04, 0.0.03, 0.0.02, 0.0.01)
A php tool for scripting executing commands on local and remote hosts - avisota/core (1.2.1)
Avisota mailing system core components - burnbright/omnipay-paystation (1.0.2)
Paystation driver for the Omnipay payment processing library - adammbalogh/key-value-store-redis (0.3.0)
Key-value redis store through predis/predis package. - splot/di (0.7.0)
Dependency Injection Container by Splot Framework. - bardis/cms-symfony2 (v1.2.0)
BardisCMS is a Symfony2 CMS distribution with integrated Zurb Foundation 5 (Bower and Grunt with custom builds included for better workflow) for front end and all the major bundles pre-configured (Sonata Admin, User, Media, FOSUser, KnpMenu, Guzzle) combined with extra bundles to provide a fully functional out of the box responsive CMS for websites - crodas/influx-php (v0.1.1)
Simple client for InfluxDB - antons/silverstripe-saml (0.2.0)
Authentication module for Silverstripe 3.1+ using the simpleSAMLphp library. - cyantree/grout-project (2.5)
project template for grout apps - cyantree/grout (4.7)
Framework and toolkit - colon-b/mixer (0.1.12)
PHP Framework - greg0/lazer-database (1.0.4, 1.0.3)
PHP library to use JSON files like flat-file database - eventhorizon/assets-bundle (v1.1.6)
EventHorizonAssetsBundle - gregwar/image-bundle (v2.0.17)
Image handling bundle - c15k0/psfs (v0.5.2)
Php Simple Fast & Secure - markei/dbmigrate (v0.1.3)
Script for migrating databases between environments, easy for use in a situation of Wordpress and DTAP - knifecake/outmess (1.1, 1.0.4)
Keep track of outcome messages easily. - kamilsk/social-monitoring (v1.0)
The Social Monitoring application based on Cilex (for cli and cron) and Silex (for web api). - prooph/service-bus (v1.0.1)
PHP Enterprise Service Bus Implementation supporting CQRS and DDD - prooph/event-store-doctrine-adapter (v0.2.0)
Doctrine Adapter for ProophEventStore - prooph/event-sourcing (v1.0.0)
PHP EventSourcing library - prooph/event-store-zf2-adapter (v0.2.0)
ZF2 DB Adapter for ProophEventStore - drwrf/mismatch-db (0.2.2, 0.2.1, 0.2.0)
A simple library for complex SQL. - prooph/prooph-event-store-module (v1.0.0)
ZF2 module that provides default functionality to use ProophEventStore in a ZF2 application - square1/gwitlog (0.1.5)
Make developers eager to read your commit log by styling it like a social media timeline - longtimejones/toucanine (v1.1.1)
A very simple, yet flexible, PHP5 HMVC-alike micro framework. - duncan3dc/blade (1.0.0)
Use Laravel Blade templates without the full Laravel framework - mkframework/mkframework (4.103.4)
A simple php framework. - prewk/file-chainer (0.0.4, 0.0.5, 0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Chainable file stream writer with insert support - t4web/modules (0.1.1)
Module for managing ZF2 module migrations. - prooph/event-store (v1.0.0)
PHP EventStore Implementation - vermillion/console (1.0.0)
Wrapper for Symfony/Console - jongotlin/affiliate-interfaces (0.1.0)
Interfaces for affiliate classes - symfony2admingenerator/generator-bundle (v2.0-beta.15)
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating - joomla/authentication (1.0.1)
Joomla Authentication Package - helmich/flow-eventbroker (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
TYPO3 Flow package containing an event dispatching mechanism - svile/pilog (1.0.3)
A simple PHP logging system which is PSR-2, PSR-3 and PSR-4 compliable. - philipbrown/worldpay (v2.0.2)
A PHP wrapper for WorldPay.com - symfony/framework-standard-edition (v2.5.5)
The "Symfony Standard Edition" distribution - kamilsk/silex-service-providers (v1.0)
The revised set of service providers for Silex. - payum/payum (0.11.6)
Domain friendly payment framework. Paypal, payex, authorize.net, be2bill, omnipay, recurring payments, instant notifications and many more - symfony/symfony (v2.5.5, v2.4.10, v2.3.20)
The Symfony PHP framework - symfony/http-kernel (v2.5.5, v2.4.10, v2.3.20)
Symfony HttpKernel Component - sahanh/simpledto (1.2.0)
Simple DTO object to move data - frlnc/php-slack (1.0.0)
A lightweight PHP implementation of Slack's API. - peteraba/dermailer (v1.0-alpha1)
Newsletter Manager Application - namelesscoder/gizzle (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
GitHub Webhook Listener with plugin-based API for creating your own triggerered actions - symfony/event-dispatcher (v2.5.5)
Symfony EventDispatcher Component - symfony/twig-bridge (v2.5.5)
Symfony Twig Bridge - symfony/framework-bundle (v2.5.5, v2.4.10)
Symfony FrameworkBundle - symfony/doctrine-bridge (v2.5.5)
Symfony Doctrine Bridge - ashleydawson/doctrine-gaufrette-storable-bundle (1.0.0, 0.8.0)
Symfony2 bundle to add a storable behaviour to doctrine entities to facilitate abstracted file storage - dts/ebay-sdk-trading (0.9.0)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay Trading API in your PHP projects. - flamecore/observer (v1.1.0)
Watch events and react to them - roumen/feed (v2.7.2)
A simple feed generator for Laravel 4. - zeliard91/google-translator-bundle (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Symfony 2 service designed to work with Google Translate API - denismilovanov/libpostgres (1.0)
Tiny wrapper over PHP PostgreSQL functions - symfony/debug (v2.5.5, v2.4.10)
Symfony Debug Component - symfony/form (v2.5.5)
Symfony Form Component - symfony/security-core (v2.5.5)
Symfony Security Component - Core Library - symfony/validator (v2.5.5)
Symfony Validator Component - symfony/twig-bundle (v2.5.5, v2.4.10)
Symfony TwigBundle - symfony/security (v2.5.5)
Symfony Security Component - symfony/security-bundle (v2.5.5)
Symfony SecurityBundle - saxulum/saxulum-hint (1.0.0)
Saxulum Hint - voilab/acedao (0.9.12)
AceDAO, a simple yet powerful query system - saxulum/saxulum-accessor (2.0.0-beta3, 2.0.0-beta2)
Saxulum Accessor - hull-agency/yii2-foundation-icons (v1.0.1)
Yii2 extension for easy use of Zurb Foundation icons - ocramius/proxy-manager (0.5.2)
A library providing utilities to generate, instantiate and generally operate with Object Proxies - mkrmr/emphloyer (v0.4.1)
Job processing with pluggable backends made easy - white/white (v1.1)
White makes accepting online payments in the Middle East a piece of cake - jasongrimes/paginator (0.3, 0.2, 0.1)
A lightweight PHP paginator, for generating pagination controls like Stack Overflow or Flickr. - mkrmr/emphloyer-pdo (v0.4.1)
PDO backend for Emphloyer - cakephp/cakephp (3.0.0-beta2)
The CakePHP framework - tom32i/simple-security-bundle (v0.1.0)
A simple security bundle for user authentication - psliwa/php-pdf (1.2.4)
Pdf and graphic files generator library for PHP. - colinodell/commonmark-php (0.1.2)
Markdown parser for PHP based on the CommonMark spec - vinkla/translator (0.2.0)
Simple translator for Laravel Eloquent models. - indicoio/indicoio-php (v0.5)
Rest Api Wrapper for PHP. - lucatume/tdd-helpers (2.4.4)
TDD helpers for PHP 5.2 - watson/bootstrap-form (0.9.0)
Laravel 4.2+ form wrappers for Bootstrap 3. - autarky/framework (0.4.1)
Autarky - PHP framework for self-sufficient developers - magirc/magirc (v0.9.0)
MagIRC - Let the magirc begin! - los/loslog (1.0.10)
LosLog provides some log utility your ZF2 application - emmanuelballery/eb-adminbundle (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
EBAdminBundle - emmanuelballery/eb-emailbundle (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
EBEmailBundle - emmanuelballery/eb-doctrinebundle (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
EBDoctrineBundle - pubnub/pubnub (v3.6.2)
The Only Global Network For Real-Time Data -- PubNub! - phormium/phormium (0.6.2)
A minimalist ORM for PHP. - schlaefer/saito (4.3.1)
Saito - The Threaded Forum - emmanuelballery/eb-plantumlbundle (0.0.1)
EBPlantUMLBundle - eleme/thrift-silex (v0.1.2)
thrift service provider for silex - emmanuelballery/eb-translationbundle (0.0.1)
EBTranslationBundle - emmanuelballery/eb-stringbundle (0.0.1)
EBStringBundle - emmanuelballery/eb-imaginebundle (0.0.1)
EBImagineBundle - sobstel/metaphore (v1.0.0-RC2, 1.0.0-RC1)
PHP cache slam defense using a semaphore to prevent dogpile effect (aka clobbering updates or stampending herd). - tsukanov/steam-locomotive (0.3.0)
PHP wrapper for Steam Web API with some useful tools - formativ/dfa (1.0.0)
PHP port of a Ruby library, used to simulate deterministic finite automata. - jgswift/recompilr (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
runtime class compiler - sergej-kurakin/diceroller (1.0.0)
Dice Roller, PSR compatible fork from https://github.com/ringmaster/dicecalc - pingpong/testing (1.0.1)
Unit Testing Helper for Laravel's Package - gears/arrays (v0.6.0)
A collection of array conversions and manipulators.
Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 09.29.2014
Sameer Borate: Creating Twitter Apps in PHP
Sameer Borate has a post today showing how you can create a simple Twitter application in PHP making use of their REST API and the twitter-api-php library.
In this post we will look into accessing Twitter REST API in PHP. This can be useful if you need to post Tweets from your PHP application or anaylze, search Tweets. In the following examples we will use the twitter-api-php PHP wrapper for Twitter v1.1 API. Although there are a few wrappers around, this one I like for its simplicity.
He helps you get the library installed (via Composer) and create an application on the Twitter side at apps.twitter.com. Sample code is included showing how to connect to the API with your credentials, including handling the OAuth authorization piece. From there he shows two examples of action to make on the API: posting a new tweet and searching for new tweets based on a query string.
Link: http://www.codediesel.com/social/creating-twitter-apps-in-php/
Gonzalo Ayuso: Building a Pimple/Container from a YAML file
In a recent post to his site Gonzalo Ayuso shows how to create a Pimple container (a dependency injection container) from a YAML configuration definition using a simple handler already included in Pimple.
[In a conversation with Máximo Cuadros about Dependency Injection Containers] I said that I prefer Symfony´s DIC instead of Pimple, mainly because its configuration with YAML (or even xml) files. But In fact we can customise Pimple/Containers with YAML files in a similar way than we do it with Symfony's DIC. In this example we're going to see one way to do it.
While Pimple does come with the "Container" functionality to make this happen, Gonzalo points out that using it this way violates several of the SOLID design principles. Instead, he offers an alternate solution - using the Config component from Symfony to handle the creation of the container using an already established YAML format. He includes an example YAML configuration structure, the matching Pimple code for it and a code sample showing how the YAML is parsed into the same result. You can find the code on his GitHub account if you're interested in the full structure.
Link: http://gonzalo123.com/2014/09/29/building-a-pimplecontainer-from-a-yaml-file/
Mathias Verraes: Objects as Contracts for Behaviour
Mathias Verraes has a new post to his site today with an interesting idea when it comes to handling the architecture of an application: using objects as the contracts for behavior. He suggests that the objects themselves define how other pieces of code should interact with them, not necessarily external services. He illustrates with an invoice and appointment example.
Of course invoices do not pay themselves, but that's not what an object model is trying to do. An invoice exposes the behaviour of being able to be paid. That ability is in fact essential to what it means to be an invoice. The behaviour is an inherent property of an invoice. If an invoice doesn't have the ability of being paid, there's no point in issuing invoices at all. In other words, the contract of an invoice object declares that its interface includes payment as a feature. Its promise to the outside world is that it allows an outsider to pay for it. Encapsulation of state and behaviour is the core idea behind objects.
He wonders why, if this is more true to the "object-oriented programming" ideals, the idea of encapsulating procedural code as objects is so widespread. He suggests a lack of education on the subject or maybe even confusion from spoken languages themselves.
Link: http://verraes.net/2014/09/objects-as-contracts-for-behaviour/
Mattias Noback: Backwards compatible bundle releases
In his latest post Matthias Noback talks about a problem common to Symfony bundles (and, well, software in general) - dealing with backwards compatibility and breaks that could be introduced with new changes.
With a new bundle release you may want to rename services or parameters, make a service private, change some constructor arguments, change the structure of the bundle configuration, etc. Some of these changes may acually be backwards incompatible changes for the users of that bundle. Luckily, the Symfony DependenyInjection component and Config component both provide you with some options to prevent such backwards compatibility (BC) breaks.
He breaks the post up into a few different kinds of backwards compatibility breaks that could happen and code examples of each:
- Renaming things
- Changing visibility
- Changing values
Each topic also includes methods for preventing issues with older users who maybe aren't using the new features. This includes things like sane default values for new settings, renaming services and creating new extensions for working with new properties.
Link: http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/09/backwards-compatible-bundle-releases/
Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 09.28.2014
- wafflesystems/gpio (0.1)
PHP Library for accessing GPIO hardware. - laracasts/testdummy (1.3.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3)
Easy test stubs - angel/modals (v1.0.0)
An Angel CMS module for modals. - yiisoft/yii2-dev (2.0.0-rc)
Yii PHP Framework Version 2 - Development Package - yiisoft/yii2 (2.0.0-rc)
Yii PHP Framework Version 2 - sqmk/pushy (1.2.0)
A PHP client for Pushover.net - angel/core (v1.0.0)
Angel is a CMS built on top of Laravel. - crystalgorithm/durmand-scriptorium (1.0.0-beta1)
PHP package to consume the GW2 API - league/plates (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
Plates, the native PHP template system that's fast, easy to use and easy to extend. - zelenin/rssgen (2.0.1, 2.0.2)
PHP class for generating of RSS feeds. Full support of [RSSboard specification](http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification) - zelenin/rss-generator (2.0.1, 2.0.2)
PHP class for generating of RSS feeds. Full support of [RSSboard specification](http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification) - clue/psocksd (v0.3.3)
Extensible SOCKS tunnel / proxy server daemon - symfony-bundle/bootstrap-select-bundle (1.6.0)
Bootstrap Select Bundle for Symfony2 - clue/connection-manager-extra (v0.3.1)
Extra decorators for creating async TCP/IP connections built upon react/socket-client - mpociot/versionable (1.0.1, 1.0)
Allows to create Laravel 4 / 5 Model versioning and restoring - nilportugues/validator (v1.0.1)
An efficient data validator for PHP - bridn/taxonomy (v0.3)
Simple Taxonomy plugin for CakePHP 3.x - graham-campbell/testbench (v1.1.3)
TestBench Provides Some Testing Functionality For Laravel 5.0 - njasm/soundcloud (2.1.0)
Soundcloud API Wrapper written in PHP with OAuth 2.0 support - sad_spirit/pg_builder (v0.1.0)
Query builder for PostgreSQL backed by query parser - happyproff/yii-processlock (0.0.3, 0.0.1)
Prevent simultaneous scripts execution. - pragmarx/tracker (v0.7.0)
A Laravel 4.1+ Visitor Tracker - happyproff/yii-statics (0.0.4, 0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Easy publishing css and js in Yii project. - infuse/libs (0.2.1)
Solid libraries for rapid PHP development - sad_spirit/pg_wrapper (v0.1.0)
Wrapper for PHP's pgsql extension providing conversion of complex DB types - zetacomponents/mvc-template-tiein (1.1)
This component provides a view handler that renders result data with the Template component. - namshi/jose (1.2.1)
JSON Object Signing and Encryption library for PHP. - codesleeve/stapler (v1.0.02)
Elegant and simple ORM-based file upload package for php. - daylerees/sanitizer (1.0.2)
- pragmarx/support (v0.3.1)
PragmaRX components support package - daylerees/kurenai (1.0.3)
Markdown document parser with metadata. - sobstel/sesshin (1.0.0)
PHP secure advanced session manager - acquia/hmac-request (0.5.0)
Signs HTTP requests using a HMAC digest - entidi/silverstrap (2.0.7)
A silverstripe theme based on Bootstrap front-end framework - prooph/service-bus (v1.0.0)
PHP Enterprise Service Bus Implementation supporting CQRS and DDD - sobstel/metaphore (v1.0.0-BETA1)
PHP cache slam defense using a semaphore to prevent dogpile effect (aka clobbering updates or stampending herd). - kemist/cache (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
A simple caching library - im0rtality/rest-api-bundle (v0.1.5)
REST API Bundle - fut/calculator (3.0.1)
Fifa Ultimate Team player information calculator. - square1/gwitlog (0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1)
Make developers eager to read your commit log by styling it like a social media timeline - pingpong/testing (1.0.0)
Unit Testing Helper for Laravel's Package - kumar/nexmo (0.2.4)
Nexmo PHP library using guzzle - kevintweber/ktw-database-menu-bundle (v0.3.3)
Symfony bundle for extending KnpMenuBundle to store menu items in a database. - davidbarratt/drupal-structure (1.0.0-alpha1)
Giving Drupal 6 & 7 a Directory Sturcture like Drupal 8 via Composer - nlac/nlsclientscript (7.0.0-beta2)
Yii ClientScript extension for prevent reloading javascript and merging/minfying resources - happyproff/yii-gallerymanager (0.0.1)
Fork of z_bodya/gallerymanager. - raztud/doctrine-orm-provider (1.0.1)
Simple Doctrine ORM provider for Silex - exorus/php-mime-mail-parser (1.6.0)
Fully Tested Mailparse Extension Wrapper for PHP 5.3+ - clue/socks-react (v0.2.0)
Async SOCKS proxy client and server (SOCKS4, SOCKS4a and SOCKS5) - sksoft/phalcon-ext (v0.0.1)
phalcon-ext framework - dabble/dabble (0.5.8)
Lightweight wrapper and helpers for MySQLi - devedge/xmlrpc-common (0.2.2)
lib to be used by devedge/xmlrpc-server and devedge/xmlrpc-client - fxp/composer-asset-plugin (v1.0.0-beta2)
NPM/Bower Dependency Manager for Composer - devedge/stubs (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A PHP Library that contains Null-Implementations for various PSRs - stb/bootstrap (v1.1)
Symfony twitter bootstrap table generator - pingpong/validator (1.0.0)
Simple Validation for Laravel Framework - xp-forge/sequence (v0.7.4)
Data sequences - coreorm/framework (1.1BETA)
CoreORM PHP Framework For Relational Data Modelling - adammbalogh/key-value-store (0.3.2)
Key-value store generic package. It contains abstractions. - schlaefer/saito (4.3.0)
Saito - The Threaded Forum - adammbalogh/key-value-store-file (0.3.0)
Key-value file store through fire015/flintstone package. - nette/tester (v1.3.0-RC)
An easy-to-use PHP unit testing framework. - corneltek/cliframework (1.9.0)
Command-line framework for PHP - skylarkelty/rapid (0.0.1)
Rapid Prototyping Framework in PHP. - slaxweb/ci-basecontroller (0.2.2, 0.2.1)
BaseController for CodeIgniter - phpbrew/phpbrew (1.14.1)
PHPBrew API library - krzysiekpiasecki/php-presenter (v1.0a)
Presenter presents resources to the public - fisharebest/ext-calendar (1.2.0)
Implementation of the Arabic (Hijri), French, Gregorian, Jewish, Julian and Persian (Jalali) calendars. PHP shims for the ext/calendar extension. - lucatume/tdd-helpers (2.4.3, 2.4.2)
TDD helpers for PHP 5.2 - tuurbo/amazon-payment (1.2.0)
Login and Pay with Amazon - terhuerne/aggregator (1.0.2)
With Aggregator, you can aggregate your hottest news right out of your Profiles at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. - avanzu/admin-theme-bundle (1.1.4, 1.1.3)
Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony - mfn/util-simpleorderedmap (v0.0.2)
Ordered map accepting arbitrary keys - crodas/notoj (v0.1.20)
Annotation parser. Uses reflection and provides cache out of the box. - crodas/class-info (v0.1.10)
Get classes and functions defined in a given file
Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 09.27.2014
- taviroquai/duality (v0.10.1, v0.10.0, v0.9.0, v0.8.1, v0.8.0)
Micro PHP Framework - eecli/bootstrap (v1.2.3)
Bootstrap the ExpressionEngine environment - codegyre/robo-ci (0.1.0)
Travis CI cli runner - codegyre/robo-docker (0.1.0)
Docker Tasks for Robo Task Runner - earthit/cmip-rest (0.0.75)
Collection-Modifiers-ID-Property REST framework - michaldudek/foundation (0.9.2)
A set of useful PHP classes. - jgswift/observr (0.2.0)
PHP 5.5+ event layer - quorum/array-functions (v0.0.1-Alpha)
useful array functions - hailwood/knp-menu-laravel4 (v2.0.0)
This package provides a KnpMenu library integration into Laravel. - emojione/emojione (v1.2.2)
Emoji One is a complete set of emojis designed for the web. It includes libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:) and shortnames to our custom emoji images. PNG and SVG formats provided for the emoji images. - mojio/mojio (v1.0.6)
PHP client to login and access the Mojio API - outbound/outbound-php (v1.1.0)
PHP library for Outbound - mindtouch/mindtouch-api-php-client (v0.2)
- simplesoftwareio/simple-sms (1.0.0)
Simple-SMS is a package made for Laravel to send/receive (polling/pushing) text messages. Currently supports CallFire, EZTexting, Email Gateways, Mozeo, and Twilio. - prewk/xml-string-streamer (0.6.4)
Stream large XML files with low memory consumption - foxted/meta (1.1.0)
Small package to generate meta tags easily in your Laravel app - sabinus52/test-bundle (v0.2)
Symfony OlixTestBundle - recurly/recurly-client (2.3.1)
The PHP client library for the Recurly API - bitw/larauth (v1.0.4)
- manovotny/wp-ads (1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3)
Ads for WordPress. - graham-campbell/credentials (v0.3.1-alpha)
Credentials Is A Cool Way To Authenticate In Laravel 4.2 - nilportugues/validator (v1.0)
An efficient data validator for PHP - corley/influxdb-sdk (0.2.2)
Send your app metrics to InfluxDB - manovotny/wp-recipe (1.0.1)
Add recipes to WordPress. - kisma/kisma (0.2.65, 0.2.64, 0.2.63)
PHP Utility Belt - abienvenu/kyela (v1.1)
Participation polls for group events - koine/validator (0.9.0)
Validation adapter - simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode (1.1.0)
Simple QrCode is a QR code generator made for Laravel. - nlac/nlsclientscript (7.0.0-beta)
Yii ClientScript extension for prevent reloading javascript and merging/minfying resources - tamble/bluedrone-client-php (0.1.3)
Bluedrone API client for PHP - elnebuloso/flex-application-web (1.6.2, 1.6.1, 1.6.0)
web application made easy - yuan/module-generators (0.0.2)
- harbor/collections (2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0)
Generic Collection Classes - simplon/form (0.1.0)
Easy form building, validation and follow-up callbacks - adammbalogh/key-value-store (0.3.1, 0.3.0)
Key-value store generic package. It contains abstractions. - magento/product-community-edition (0.1.0-alpha97)
eCommerce Platform for Growth (Community Edition) - antimattr/address-verifier (v1.0.0)
Address Verification Client - antimattr/mongodb-migrations-bundle (v1.0.0)
Symfony MongoDBMigrationsBundle - paypal/rest-api-sdk-php (v0.11.0)
PayPal's PHP SDK for REST APIs - antimattr/mongodb-migrations (v1.0.0)
Managed Database Migrations for MongoDB - gabbydgab/official-website (1.0.3)
Official website of Gabby D Gab using Zend Framework 2 - antimattr/test-case (v1.0.0)
PHPUnit Test Case Assistance - mindplay/stockpile (2.4.1)
Strongly-typed, stand-alone configuration/service-container for PHP - zizaco/entrust (1.3.0)
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel 4 - uam/tcpdfx (3.0.5)
Extension of TCPDF library and FPDI library with added convenience methods. - fridge/api (v0.1)
Simple PHP wrapper for the Fridge API - enygma/modler (1.2, 1.1, 1.0)
A basic model library - vince/type-bundle (1.0.13)
Form types for Symfony 2.3+ - qa-tools/qa-tools (v1.0.1)
Library that provides easy-to-use way of interaction with web-page elements in functional tests using PageObject pattern. - hypermkt/animemap-api-php (1.0.0)
A PHP client for ANIMEMAP API - neerrar/slimvc (0.2)
View & controller for Slim framework - zrashwani/arachnid-sitemap-bundle (1.0.0)
sitemap generator bundle for Symfony2 via traversing website internal links - friendsofsymfony/user-bundle (v2.0.0-alpha1)
Symfony FOSUserBundle - pk/markdownify-bundle (v3.0.0)
Symfony2 bundle that integrates the Markdownify class as a service - dericofilho/php.fmt (3.1.3)
Code Formatter for PHP - CS - clowdy/multi-memcached (0.1.0)
Multiple memcached connection handler for Laravel - webcms2/investform-module (v0.1.7, v0.1.6, v0.1.5, v0.1.4, v0.1.3)
Futurue value of annuity form module, with PDF export. - tweedegolf/symfony-okoa (v0.11.8, v0.11.7)
Symfony okoa base project - koine/strong-parameters (0.9.3, 0.9.2)
Rails like Strong parameters for php - qbnk/qbank3api-phpwrapper (v0.4.1-alpha)
A PHP-Wrapper for QBank 3's API. Provides a simple way to communicate with QBank 3 from PHP. - mindplay/jsonfreeze (1.1.0, 1.0.3)
JSON Serialization library - edi9999/docx-sdk (v0.1.0)
sdk for docx generation - esteit/catalol-api-client (1.4.1)
FPC client - glynnforrest/active-doctrine (0.1.2)
A minimal active record implementation on top of the Doctrine DBAL. - eviweb/composer-wrapper (v1.0.3)
Composer Wrapper for PHP 5.3 - majes/media-bundle (v1.20.8)
Majes framework media bundle - icap/dropzone-bundle (0.8.1)
- webfactory/doctrine-orm-test-infrastructure (1.0.1)
Provides utils to create a test infrastructure for Doctrine 2 entities. - duncan3dc/helpers (1.3.6, 1.3.5)
A collection of useful helper functions - openbuildings/postmark (0.2.0, 0.1.6)
Swiftmailer Transport Class for Postmark - longtimejones/toucanine (v1.1)
A very simple, yet flexible, PHP5 HMVC-alike micro framework. - behat/mink-zombie-driver (v1.2.0)
Zombie.js driver for Mink framework - futoin/core-php-ri-invoker (0.1)
FutoIn Core Reference Implementation for PHP - Invoker - easybib/generator-processes (1.1.3)
A collection of processes for iterators - anlutro/l4-core (0.17.2)
Core L4 functionality. - oneup/contao-full-background-images (v1.4.0-alpha)
Use full background images in Contao Open Source CMS. This extension also provides a full background image slider/fader. - hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.33, v0.1.32)
- slaxweb/ci-basemodel (0.3.0)
BaseModel for CodeIgniter - hatframework/hat-plugin-plugins (v0.2.6)
- hatframework/hat-plugin-admin (v0.1.12)
- yandex-money/yandex-money-sdk-php (v3.0.2)
Yandex.Money API SDK for PHP - futoin/core-php-api (0.2)
FutoIn Core API for PHP - mediastuttgart/oneclickonlinecontrol (v2.0.0)
An addOn for SallyCMS, adding oneclick on-/offline handling for articles. - behat/mink-browserkit-driver (v1.2.0)
Symfony2 BrowserKit driver for Mink framework - patchwork/dumper (v1.2.11, v1.2.10)
High accuracy and flexible dumping for PHP variables - slaxweb/ci-basecontroller (0.2.0)
BaseController for CodeIgniter - webcms2/webcms2 (v0.6.5)
WebCMS2 content management system for Nette framework. This package contains system libraries and admin module. - cliffparnitzky/monitoring (1.3.0)
Monitoring extension for checking availability of websites. - moznion/benchmarker (v1.0.0)
Benchmark running times of PHP code - florian-koerner/chimpdrill (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
Simple Mailchimp / Mandrill Merge Tags Parser - lingualeo/php-cache (0.7.3)
LinguaLeo Caching Library - hatframework/hat-template-ppdh (v0.1.2)
- hatframework/hat-plugin-gerador (v0.1.7)
- hatframework/basehat (v0.1.8)
Hat configuration files - elcodi/bamboo-admin (v0.3.3, v0.3.2)
Bamboo Admin, an ecommerce admin tool built on Elcodi - solve/eventdispatcher (v1.0.2)
Database engine - jbach/jbx_multiple_image_upload (0.5.5, 0.5.4)
Multiple Image Upload Plugin for Textpattern - webpatser/laravel-countries (1.3.3, 1.3.2)
Laravel Countries is a bundle for Laravel, providing Almost ISO 3166_2, 3166_3, currency, Capital and more for all countries. - silex/silex (v1.2.2)
The PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony2 Components - nodasoft/abcp_api_client (1.0)
Rest клиент для ABCP API - behat/mink (v1.6.0)
Web acceptance testing framework for PHP 5.3 - lucatume/tdd-helpers (2.4.1, 2.4.0)
TDD helpers for PHP 5.2 - gdragffy/drupal-oauth-whisperer (v1.0.0-RC1)
Simple wrapper for making OAuth Guzzle-based requests to Drupal sites.. - mindplay/pager (1.0.2)
Renders HTML pagers. Nothing else. - vegas-cmf/forms (v1.0.2)
Vegas CMF Forms - openbuildings/jam (0.4.59)
Small but feature rich ORM, has extensible models and builders, baked in upload functionality, supporting multiple backends (rackspace, ftp), polymorphic associations, form builders, nested forms, validators - anahkiasen/arrounded (0.2.2)
A set of self-aware Laravel abstracts that know their way around - hostnet/entity-translation-bundle (0.0.1)
Translation bundle to help with rendering pretty names for enum-like classes. - reynholm/laravel-repositories (0.17.1)
Provides an easy way to create your laravel repositories - pingpong/menus (1.0.5)
Laravel 4 - Simple Menus - meckhardt/yac (0.1.0)
Yet another cache. - kemist/cache (v1.0.1)
A simple caching library - bluetea/import-bundle (v1.2.3)
BlueTea ImportBundle for the Symfony2 framework - maknz/slack (0.2.1)
A simple PHP package for sending messages to Slack, with Laravel 4 support - contao-bootstrap/grid-editor (1.0.0-beta2)
Backend grid editor for Contao CMS - colon-b/mixer (0.1.11)
PHP Framework - data-values/data-values (1.0.0)
Defines the DataValue interface and some trivial implementations
Site News: Popular Posts for the Week of 09.26.2014
- NetTuts.com: Refactoring Legacy Code - Part 10: Dissecting Long Methods with Extractions
- Site News: Popular Posts for the Week of 09.19.2014
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Ardent: Laravel Models on Steroids
- Reddit.com: The purpose of a framework
- Voices of the ElePHPant: Interview with Jonathan Sundquist
- NetTuts.com: How to Build Rate Limiting into Your Web App Login
- PHP.net: PHP 5.4.33 Released
- Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 09.20.2014
- php[architect]: September 2014 Issue Released - Purchasing Power
- Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 09.19.2014
Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 09.26.2014
- manovotny/wp-mailchimp-subscribe (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
A MailChimp subscription widget for WordPress. - manovotny/wp-recipe (1.0.0)
Add recipes to WordPress. - scrumptious/slagger (0.3.0)
Slim middleware for generating Swagger json for use with Swagger UI - hampel/synergy-wholesale-laravel (0.4.0, 0.3.1)
A Laravel 4 service provider for accessing Synergy Wholesale via PHP - nesbot/carbon (1.13.0)
A simple API extension for DateTime. - lcobucci/di-builder (3.0.0)
Dependency Injection Builder for PHP 5.3+ applications - corneltek/cliframework (1.8.1)
Command-line framework for PHP - hampel/alerts (2.0.0)
Package for managing Laravel session messages and alerts in view responses - tomk79/filesystem (0.2.0)
file system utility. - yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle (v3.3.2, v3.3.1, v3.3.0)
Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4 - iachilles/eavactiverecord (1.0.0)
Implements entity-attribute-value pattern and provides a simple way to work with EAV-attributes. - scribe/cssembed-library (v0.4.6, v0.4.5)
This is a direct fork of 'nzakas/cssembed', a project which hasn't been touched by its author for over three years. Welcome to its revival. - scribe/yuicompressor-library (v2.4.10, v2.4.9)
An up-to-date fork of Yahoo's JS and CSS compressor, kept in regular sync with upstream, except this one comes with a composer file. - watson/validating (0.10.3)
Eloquent model validating trait. - scribe/closurecompiler-library (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)
An up-to-date fork of Google's Closure Compiler, kept in regular sync with upstream, except this one comes with a composer file. - yrizos/stockpile (0.1.0)
- zurb/foundation (v5.4.5)
The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. - venturecraft/revisionable (1.13.0)
Keep a revision history for your models without thinking, created as a package for use with Laravel 4 - doowebdev/doo-pagination (1.0)
Easy pagination that can be used with PHP, Twig Template Engine etc.. - squizlabs/php_codesniffer (2.0.0RC2)
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. - bldr-io/bldr (6.5.0)
Simple Build System / Task Runner - futoin/core-php-ri-asyncsteps (0.99.4)
FutoIn Core Reference Implementation for PHP - AsyncSteps - drwrf/mismatch-db (0.1.0)
A simple library for complex SQL. - codingmatters/telco-messaging (1.0.0beta2)
Telecom messaging service API - raztud/doctrine-orm-provider (1.0.0)
Simple Doctrine ORM provider for Silex - cssjanus/cssjanus (v1.1.0)
Convert CSS stylesheets between left-to-right and right-to-left. - webcms2/investform-module (v0.1.2)
Futurue value of annuity form module, with PDF export. - webcms2/webcms2 (v0.6.4)
WebCMS2 content management system for Nette framework. This package contains system libraries and admin module. - phpextra/event-manager (1.0.1)
Event manager based on reflection, annotations and priority queue - javocsoft/jvcphpclib (1.0.0)
JavocSoft PHP Commons Library - corley/influxdb-sdk (0.2.1)
Send your app metrics to InfluxDB - miloschuman/yii2-highcharts-widget (v4.0.4)
Highcharts widget for Yii 2 Framework. - laracasts/commander (1.4.2)
Commands and domain events in Laravel - willishq/laravel-components (1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0)
Components for Laravel 5 - railto/flash-messages (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Simple flash messages for PHP using bootstrap 3 alerts - krak/presenter (1.0.0)
Small and simple implementation of the presenter design pattern - solve/slot (v1.0.1)
- [ Slot ] Fast template engine - grandadevans/laravel-form-validator (v0.1.3, v0.1.2)
A package that will generate validation forms for Laravel 4. - saxulum/saxulum-accessor (2.0.0-beta1)
Saxulum Accessor - sumeko/phalcon-oauth2-server (0.1)
Phalcon wrapper for league/oauth2-server - bgillet/slim-twig (1.0.0)
Another Slim view adapter for Twig template engine. - fenos/notifynder (2.5.1, 2.5.0)
Management system of internal notifications for Laravel 4.* - manovotny/wp-taxonomy-util (1.0.0)
A taxonomy utility for WordPress. - dotblue/nextras-migrations-command (1.1.4)
Easy setup for nextras/migrations with kdyby/console - robertkosten/providence (0.0.4, 0.0.3)
A dev-dependency, installing some git commit hooks to ensure code style, etc. - webbuilders-group/silverstripe-collapsiblewidgets (0.1.0)
Extends the widget area editor and makes used widgets collapsible. Works well with the advanced widget editor module. - picatic/php-api (v1.0.8)
PHP Wrapper to access the Picatic API - manovotny/wp-post-type-util (1.0.0)
A lovely collection of post type utilities for WordPress. - platforg/adobe-connect (0.1)
Provides a PHP Client to interact with the Adobe Connect's API - bgillet/slim-utils (1.0.0)
Collection of utility classes for Slim based apps - stekycz/cronner (v1.0.2)
Simple tool which helps with maintenance of cron tasks. - idealistsoft/framework (1.0.0)
Modular PHP framework built with infuse/libs - railto/php-flash-messages (v3.0.0)
Simple flash messages for PHP using bootstrap 3 alerts - manovotny/wp-enqueue-util (1.1.3)
A convenient enqueuing utility for WordPress. - idealistsoft/framework-statistics (1.0.0)
Admin statistics module for Idealist Framework - idealistsoft/framework-cron (1.0.0)
Scheduled tasks module for Idealist Framework - adammbalogh/key-value-store-file (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Key-value file store through fire015/flintstone package. - adammbalogh/key-value-store (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Key-value store generic package. It contains abstractions. - wandersonwhcr/phact (v1.0.0)
A Simple Event Propagation with Phalcon Framework - idealistsoft/framework-auth (1.0.0)
Auth module for Idealist Framework - idealistsoft/framework-api (1.0.0)
RESTful API scaffolding module for Idealist Framework - idealistsoft/framework-rest-api (1.0.0)
RESTful API scaffolding module for Idealist Framework - idealistsoft/framework-email (1.0.0)
Mailer module for Idealist Framework - ten24/cms-starter (1.0.0)
A startup project to quickly initialize an instance of Kunstmaan Bundles Standard Edition + other packages required for front/backend development - idealistsoft/framework-bootstrap (1.0.0)
Bootstrap for Idealist Framework - ekowabaka/clearice (v0.3.1)
A tool for parsing command line arguments - acosf/archersys (1.0)
The ArcherVMPeridot System Repo - mindplay/pager (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Renders HTML pagers. Nothing else. - fish/laravel-tabs (1.1.0, 0.1.0)
Artisan command to create bootstrap tabs and place each tab within its own view - sshilko/backq (1.0.0)
Background push notifications processing with workers & publisher - gordalina/cachetool (1.3.0)
Manage your caches through the cli - idealistsoft/framework-social (1.0.0)
Helper library for social media profiles on Idealist Framework - amcsi/amysql (v1.1.4)
A MySQL(i) wrapper for PHP 5.2 and higher with useful tools and no extension dependencies. - doctrine/annotations (v1.2.1)
Docblock Annotations Parser - phpmailer/phpmailer (v5.2.9)
PHPMailer is a full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP - pingpong/modules (1.1.6, 1.1.5)
Laravel 4 - Simple Modules - radsphere/resource-bundle (1.0.0)
This Bundle provides sample managed api restful resource to be used with RadsRestBundle - taviroquai/duality (v0.7.1, v0.7.0)
Micro PHP Framework - ripaclub/imgman (0.2.0)
Image manager - phplint/phplint (0.0.1)
phplint can speed upi your linting my running several processes asynchronously - alcalyn/payplug-bundle (v0.9.1)
Payplug integration to symfony2 - phpmd/phpmd (2.1.3, 2.1.2)
Official version of PHPMD handled with Composer. - stroker/form (0.1.4)
ZF2 module for extending forms with live clientside validation - neverwoods/validformbuilder (v3.2.8)
The easiest tool for generating XHTML 1.0 valid and CSS enabled webforms. - nedwave/rest-bundle (v1.0.2)
Nedwave Rest Bundle - authbucket/push-php (0.0.11)
Push notifications for mobile devices based on the Symfony Components - reynholm/laravel-repositories (0.17.0)
Provides an easy way to create your laravel repositories - henderjon/cleverservicewrapper (v0.2.4)
an injectable wrapper for Clever's PHP SDK - colon-b/mixer (0.1.10, 0.1.9)
PHP Framework - square1/wordpressed (v0.1.6)
WordPress ORM - jasny/meta (v1.0.0)
Define metadata for classes, properties and functions - elao/theme-twitter-bootstrap-3-bundle (v0.1.1)
Twitter Bootstrap 3 theme bundle for ElaoThemeBundle - happyproff/yii-easyimages (0.0.2)
Manage your images in AR is easy. - krisanalfa/blade-theme (0.5.3)
Basic Blade Theme Resolver Class - meyfarth/ghostscript (0.4.1)
Forked and enhanced version of alchemy/ghostscript script - akeneo/excel-connector-bundle (v1.3.2)
Akeneo PIM Excel connector bundle - emojione/emojione (v1.2.1)
Emoji One is a complete set of emojis designed for the web. It includes libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:) and shortnames to our custom emoji images. PNG and SVG formats provided for the emoji images. - superreal/srunit (v0.9.0)
Library containing environment especially for writing unit tests for OXID modules. - stefantalen/omnikassa (0.8.1, 0.8)
PHP library to interact with Rabobank OmniKassa - erickmcarvalho/anteros (0.1.0, v0.1.0)
Implementations for Laravel 4 Framework - cds/nhs-number-validation (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
A simple PHP class to validate a NHS Number and return a correctly formatted version. - jyxo/php (v2.0.0)
Jyxo PHP Library - ckeditor/ckeditor (4.4.5)
JavaScript WYSIWYG web text editor. - oneup/contao-full-background-images (v1.3.2)
Use full background images in Contao Open Source CMS. This extension also provides a full background image slider/fader. - rmrevin/yii2-minify-view (1.4.2)
Yii2 View component with minification css & js - ikimea/browser (1.11)
Detecting the user's browser - qbnk/qbank3api-phpwrapper (v0.4.0-alpha)
A PHP-Wrapper for QBank 3's API. Provides a simple way to communicate with QBank 3 from PHP. - flying/debug-bundle (v0.2.5, v0.2.4)
Symfony 2 bundle to provide several tools to make it easier to use debugger with Symfony 2 applications - webfactory/symfony-application-tests (0.0.1)
Contains several generic test scenarios that can be applied to Symfony 2 applications. - vegas-cmf/forms (v1.0.2-beta)
Vegas CMF Forms - giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php (6.3)
Unofficial PHP Port of Google's libphonenumber - simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp (v1.13.0)
A PHP implementation of SAML 2.0 service provider and identity provider functionality. And is also compatible with Shibboleth 1.3 and 2.0. - oauth-io/oauth (0.3.0)
OAuth that just works ! - claroline/core-bundle (3.5.1)
Claroline core bundle - erickmcarvalho/likepdo (v0.1.0)
Similar database library to PDO - ledgr/id (2.0.1)
Data types for swedish social security and corporation id numbers - syrup/component-bundle (1.8.7)
Syrup ComponentBundle - lingualeo/php-cache (0.7.2)
LinguaLeo Caching Library - rezzza/payment-be2bill-bundle (v1.4.1)
Payment Bundle providing access to the Be2bill API - garnetstar/tree (1.0)
testing version - hoa/ruler (
The HoaRuler library. - chartblocks/php-rest-sdk (1.0.7)
ChartBlocks SDK - ifcanduela/pew (v0.2.7)
Pew-Pew-Pew framework - anahkiasen/underscore-php (1.3.0)
A redacted port of Underscore.js for PHP - vivait/bootstrap-bundle (1.2.4)
Bootstrap Common Bundle - ayeaye/api (0.11.1)
A simple but powerful API framework - openl10n/openl10n (v0.1.1)
The OpenLocalization web app - fkooman/php-oauth-client (0.5.2)
PHP OAuth 2.0 Client - fkooman/oauth-client (0.5.2)
PHP OAuth 2.0 Client - appsco/component-share (1.0.2)
Common shared stuf - usu/codice-fiscale (v1.0.2)
A library to calculate and check the validity of the italian fiscal code (codice fiscale) - lexik/fixtures-mapper-bundle (v1.3.0)
This bundle provide some classes to easily load fixtures from CSV or Yaml files. - rezzza/mailchimp-bundle (v1.0.4)
Mailchimp bundle for Symfony2 projects - martin-kozianka/additional_metafields (1.1.0, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Additional metafields for contao - punic/punic (1.1.0)
PHP-Unicode CLDR - tbbc/money-bundle (2.4.0)
This is a Symfony2 bundle that integrates the php money library from Mathias Verraes (Fowler pattern): https://github.com/mathiasverraes/money. - stk2k/charcoalphp2 (2.36.0)
Task Oriented PHP Web Framework - goetas/xsd2php (2.0.0-alpha)
Convert XSD (XML Schema) definitions into PHP classes - jenssegers/ab (v0.1.3)
A server-side A/B testing tool for Laravel. - kemist/cache (v1.0.0)
A simple caching library - vinkla/translator (0.1.0)
Simple translator for Laravel Eloquent models. - petrgrishin/data-mapper (1.0.0)
Data mapper - opendi/lang (0.3.3)
PHP Language extensions - goetas/xsd-reader (1.0.1)
Read any XML Schema (XSD) programmatically with PHP - oculus/ocx (1.0.0)
OCX PHP Application Framework. - crodas/simple-view-engine (v0.1.31)
Simple View engine designed to generate code. Based on Laravel's 4 Blade. - vinkla/laravel-translator (0.1.0)
Simple translator for Laravel Eloquent models. - infotech/yii-phpword-document-generator (v0.2.0, v0.1.0)
PHPWord renderer for infotech/yii-document-generator. - infotech/yii-excel2007-document-generator (v0.2.0, v0.1.0)
Excel2007 renderer for infotech/yii-document-generator. - oculus/framework (1.0.2)
The Oculus XMS framework. - anlutro/l4-repository (0.7.4)
Repository classes for Laravel 4. - c33s/core-bundle (v0.101.1)
everything to quickstart a webpage - symfony-bundle/fontawesome-bundle (4.2.0, 0.1)
Font Awesome Bundle - stefangabos/zebra_session (2.1.1)
A PHP library acting as a wrapper for PHP's default session handling functions which stores data in a MySQL database, providing both better performance and better security and protection against session fixation and session hijacking. - gourmet/knp-menu (0.2.0)
KnpMenu for CakePHP 3 - c33s/simple-content-bundle (v0.10.2)
routing-based menu system for symfony2
SitePoint PHP Blog: Essentials of LDAP with PHP
On the SitePoint PHP blog today Matthew Setter has written up a tutorial sharing the essentials of PHP with LDAP. He shows how to connect PHP to this industry standard technology and effectively query, update and delete information.
Ever wanted a simple way to store address book style information and network information actually next to any kind of ordered information? If so, then there's a technology which has been around since 1993, one which despite not having the cool factor of such technologies as Node.js and Go, allows you to do exactly this. It's called LDAP!
He starts off the tutorial by explaining a bit about what LDAP is (and isn't) for those not familiar with it. He covers some of the basic terminology, pointing you other articles if you need more than just his brief overview. Then he helps you get an LDAP server installed locally (using a package manager, apt-get) and how to verify the install is working correctly. From there he shows how to populate a few records and verify they exist. Following this, he gets to the PHP part of things, showing how to use the Zend Framework v2 Zend/Ldap component to access the server, query records and update/delete them easily.
Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/essentials-ldap-php/
SitePoint Web Blog: How Do You Work With Other People's Code?
The SitePoint Web blog has a recent post from Matthew Setter offering some helpful hints on working with other people's code. In it he shares suggestions ranging from the technical out to a bit more "learning oriented" to get up to speed on concepts and techniques.
Dealing with code created by other people is a fundamental skill for a developer. Give it a year and other people's code could even be your own. Today I'm going to look at some of the best approaches for how to deal with other people's code, read legacy code, effectively. It's not an easy topic to cover.
He's broken it down into a list of several different topics, each with their own descriptions and links to tools or reading resources for more information:
- Interact
- Observe
- Run Tests
- Fix Bugs designed for Newcomers
- Find Available Resources
- Use a Good IDE
- Read Books & Blogs
- Contribute to Documentation
- Be Considerate
He puts some good emphasis on that final point, reminding the reader that it's not just years of experience that make for a better developer, it's more about skill.
Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/work-peoples-code/
Matthieu Napoli: Decoupling packages
In a recent post to his site Matthieu Napoli looks at some first steps you can take to help decouple packages in your application. He describes a few considerations and methods to think about as you try to break those chains.
Decoupling packages is a hard thing. There are not a lot of options, and this blog post is about how some options are better than others.
Let's say for example that you are writing a "package", or library, to respond to HTTP requests (that kind of package could be considered the basis for a web framework). How do you handle routing? If you write your Router package as an independent package (which is good: small and specialized packages are more reusable and maintainable), you might not want to couple the HTTP package to the Router package: you want to leave users free to choose the router of their choice. So, what are your options to make the HTTP package and the Router package decoupled from each other?
He looks at a few different approaches including focusing on event-driven programming or splitting things along "edges" and making interfaces/adapters to hook them together. He also puts an emphasis on standardizing interfaces, even those outside of your own internal to the application (think the set of PHP PSRs).
Link: http://mnapoli.fr/decoupling-packages/
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
- David Adams: Zero to Jenkins - PHP Continuous Integration
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Creating a Subscription-Based Website with Laravel and Recurly, Part 1
- Kristo Vaher: What you should know about API-centric web development and design
- Erika Heidi Reinaldo: Optimizing Symfony applications on Vagrant boxes
- David Adams: PuPHPet and Digital Ocean (Screencast)
- Engine Yard Blog: Deploying PHP Applications on Engine Yard: A How-To
- Gonzalo Ayuso: Sending automated emails with PHP, Swiftmailer and Twig
- Systems Architect:API-based Web Application with Backbone, Require.js and Slim framework
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Git Hooks for Fun and Profit
- Community News: Latest Releases from PHPClasses.org
- Community News: Latest PEAR Releases for 09.23.2013
- Brandon Savage: The myth of the untestable controller
- Site News: Popular Posts for the Week of 09.27.2013
- SoftLayer Blog: Four Rules for Better Code Documentation
- Russell Walker: Public properties, getters and setters, or magic?
Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 09.25.2014
- scribe/yui-compressor (v2.4.8)
An up-to-date fork of Yahoo's JS and CSS compressor, kept in regular sync with upstream, except this one comes with a composer file. - bitw/larauth (v1.0.3)
- scribe/closure-compiler (v0.1.0)
An up-to-date fork of Google's Closure Compiler, kept in regular sync with upstream, except this one comes with a composer file. - khandieyea/xeroci (v1.3.2)
- jobstreet/js-push-notification (1.0.0)
JS Push Notification SDK - scribe/pygments-bundle (v0.1.0)
A bundle that integrates Pygments to provide code-highlighting within Sundown rendered Markdown - scribe/markdown-bundle (v0.1.0)
A Bundle that integrates the Sundown parser - scribe/swim-bundle (v1.1.3)
Simple and extendable parser library for markdown, Swim, and more... - grandadevans/laravel-form-validator (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
A package that will generate validation forms for Laravel 4. - silverstripe/dashboard (1.0.4)
Adds a dashboard to the SilverStripe CMS - unclecheese/dashboard (1.0.4)
Adds a dashboard to the SilverStripe CMS - neverwoods/validformbuilder (v3.2.7)
The easiest tool for generating XHTML 1.0 valid and CSS enabled webforms. - itsgoingd/clockwork (v1.6)
Server-side component of Clockwork, a Chrome extension for PHP development - itsgoingd/clockwork-web (v1.2.1)
Embeddable webapp version of Clockwork, a Chrome extension for PHP development - synapsestudios/synapse-base (v0.3.2)
Base code for the API template - pradodigital/php-stathat-bindings (v2.0.0)
PHP bindings for the StatHat API. - christophehurpeau/php-var-dump (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
html var dump with syntax highlighting - elnebuloso/flex-application-web (1.5.0)
web application made easy - gossi/collection (v1.0)
PHP Collections library - oculus/framework (1.0.1)
The Oculus XMS framework. - futoin/core-php-ri-asyncsteps (0.99.3)
FutoIn Core Reference Implementation for PHP - AsyncSteps - strernd/lconsole (v0.1)
Pretty dump for Laravel - elnebuloso/flex-file-selector (1.1.4, 1.1.3)
selecting files by patternsets - elnebuloso/flex-commons (1.0.4, 1.0.3)
common components for php - elnebuloso/flex-auth (1.0.3)
authentication - elnebuloso/flex-data (1.0.3)
data modeling, data providers - thegenielab/brightpearl (0.2.0)
Brightpearl API Guzzle Wrapper - elnebuloso/flex-view (1.1.2)
Working with the 'View' portion of the model-view-controller pattern - elnebuloso/flex-random (2.0.5)
multiple generators for random content - parse/php-sdk (1.0.2)
Parse PHP SDK - mediasilo/phoenix-php-sdk (0.7.4)
- nicolopignatelli/valueobjects (v2.1)
A PHP library/collection of classes aimed to help developers with domain driven development and the use of immutable objects. - elnebuloso/flex-crypt (1.0.2)
encryption - decryption - mlantz/atomic (v2.1.1)
A modular application built with CodeIgniter - designed to be used with Quarx - elnebuloso/flex-converter (1.1.1)
different converter, easy to use - christophehurpeau/php-importer (0.3.1)
Interfaces and CSV Importer in PHP - freddiecoleman/luxstack-razrbit (1.1.0, 1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Build, test and scale bitcoin apps faster with Razrbit - syrup/component-bundle (1.8.6, 1.8.5)
Syrup ComponentBundle - erickmcarvalho/likepdo (0.1.1, 0.1.0, 0.0.2)
Similar database library to PDO - elnebuloso/flex-filter (1.2.0)
different filter, easy to use - abienvenu/kyela (v1.0, v0.9)
Participation polls for group events - manovotny/wp-mailchimp-feed (1.1.0)
Adds a WordPress feed for MailChimp for better content control. - journey/daemon (v0.1)
Simple event-loop daemon written in PHP - sb15/phalcon-ext (v0.0.9, v0.0.8)
Phalcon ext - sonata-project/doctrine-mongodb-admin-bundle (2.3.0)
Symfony Sonata / Integrate Doctrine MongoDB ODM into the SonataAdminBundle - manovotny/wp-google-analytics (3.1.0)
Add Google Analytics to WordPress sites. - post2go/microsoft-translator-service-provider (v0.5.1)
Silex service provider for using the Microsoft Translator V2 API - bmatzner/fontawesome-bundle (4.2.0)
FontAwesome Bundle for Symfony2 - webcms2/webcms2 (v0.6.3)
WebCMS2 content management system for Nette framework. This package contains system libraries and admin module. - infotech/yii-document-generator (v0.2.2, v0.2.1, v0.2.0)
Simple yet powerful document rendering Yii Framework application component. - emojione/emojione (v1.2.0)
Emoji One is a complete set of emojis designed for the web. It includes libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:) and shortnames to our custom emoji images. PNG and SVG formats provided for the emoji images. - jongotlin/adrecord-api-wrapper (v0.0.1)
Wrapper for Adrecord's api - keboola/syrup (1.5.3, 1.5.2)
Syrup - Concentrated extract(or)s - fish/easy-tabs (0.1.0)
Artisan command to create bootstrap tabs and place each tab within it's own view - twosuperior/registry (1.0.0)
Laravel 4 Registry Manager for storing application specific settings - braintree/braintree_php (2.32.0)
Braintree PHP Client Library - ehough/iconic (v2.5.4, v2.5.3, v2.5.2, v2.5.1)
Fork of Symfony's Dependency Injection component compatible with PHP 5.2+. - codenamegary/l4-utils (v0.0.6, v0.0.5)
A collection of utilities for use with Laravel 4.2 - haus23/haus23-model (1.2.0)
Haus23 model mappings, classes and proxies for Doctrine2 - fortune/backend (0.1.0)
Kickstart a RESTful backend for your Javascript application - stld/php-helpers (v1.2)
Collection of PHP helper classes to help interact with Send The Light Distribution - hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.31)
- railto/php-flash-messages (v2.0.0)
Simple flash messages for PHP using bootstrap 3 alerts - bartlett/php-compatinfo (3.4.0)
Find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run - hatframework/hat-resource-html (v0.4.1)
- hatframework/hat-resource-formulario (v0.3.11)
- hatframework/hat-plugin-usuario (v0.1.19)
- hatframework/hatclasses (v0.2.17)
Core classes of hat-framework - amphp/artax (v1.0.0-beta2)
Non-blocking HTTP/1.1 client - rdlowrey/artax (v1.0.0-beta2)
Non-blocking HTTP/1.1 client - ehough/finder (v2.5.4, v2.5.2, v2.5.3, v2.5.1)
Fork of Symfony's Finder Component compatible with PHP 5.2+ - ehough/filesystem (v2.5.4)
Fork of Symfony's Filesystem Component compatible with PHP 5.2+ - manovotny/wp-dom-util (1.0.0)
A PHP DOM utility for WordPress. - aaharu/curlsoapclient (1.0.0)
SoapClient with php-curl - amphp/amp (v0.11.1)
A non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP applications - playground/gallery (1.0.3)
Playground Gallery Module - anchu/ftp (v0.0.1)
A simple Laravel 4 ftp service provider - hranicka/yetorm (3.2.6)
Lightweight ORM for NetteDatabase - webcms2/investform-module (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Futurue value of annuity form module, with PDF export. - freepius/php-richtext (v1.2)
A simple wrapper (and more) allowing to use Markdown(Extra) and SmartyPants(Typographer) - authbucket/push-php (0.0.9)
Push notifications for mobile devices based on the Symfony Components - rdlowrey/nbsock (v0.4.0)
Non-blocking socket connection/encryption using the Amp concurrency framework - rezzza/mailchimp-bundle (v1.0.3)
Mailchimp bundle for Symfony2 projects - tigefa4u/tigefa4u.github.io (v3.3.2)
tigefa jekyll blog template site - bluem/tree (1.1)
Library for handling tree structures based on parent IDs, e.g. a self-joined database table - duncan3dc/fork-helper (1.1.3)
Simple class to fork processes in PHP and allow multi-threading - sensio/distribution-bundle (v3.0.6)
Base bundle for Symfony Distributions - oro/doctrine-extensions (1.0.5)
Doctrine Extensions for MySQL and PostgreSQL. - ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (
Domain model for the OPG Core project - enygma/yubikey (1.2)
PHP library to interface with the Yubikey REST API - ledgr/id (2.0.0)
Data types for swedish social security and corporation id numbers - laravel/database (4.2.0)
Get Laravel 4.2.x database for your non laravel projects. Built on top of illuminate/database to provide migration, seeding and artisan support - sandrokeil/easy-config (1.3.0)
Zend Framework 2 (zf2) module to retrieve specific module options and provides some abstract factories to create easily instances depending on configuration - shen2/rados (v0.1.0)
an OOP php class for RADOS - tracy/tracy (v2.2.3)
Tracy: useful PHP debugger - romeo7/rock-template (0.9.2)
Flexible template engine for PHP with MODx-like syntax. - symfony-bundle/bootstrap-bundle (3.2.0)
Twitter Bootstrap Bundle for Symfony2 - anlutro/l4-core (0.17.1, 0.17.0)
Core L4 functionality. - jimbojsb/cacheback (v0.3.3)
A simple, standalone cache system based on callbacks - wildsurfer/infusionsoft-sync (v0.2)
- vegas-cmf/core (v1.0.3)
Vegas CMF Core - jralph/presenter (1.0.0)
- neoxygen/neoclient (1.5.0)
NeoClient is a PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API - teacup/json (0.2.0)
Class which provides methods to en- and decode JSON. - nedwave/rest-bundle (v1.0.1)
Nedwave Rest Bundle - king23/king23 (0.7.0)
the King23 Framework - chadrien/magento-app (1.8, 1.9)
Skeleton Magento Application - leogr/zf2-auth-module (v0.1.0)
ZF2 module for authentication services - opus-online/yii2-base (v0.1)
Persistent state extension for Yii2 modules and applications - opus-online/yii2-state (v0.1)
Persistent state extension for Yii2 modules and applications - allure-framework/allure-codeception (1.1.1)
A Codeception adapter for Allure report. - anlutro/form (0.3.9)
Dynamic form builder. - lexpress/sf-doctrine-guard-plugin (v1.5.0)
Identity management plugin for symfony - hatframework/hat-resource-charts (v0.3.6)
- koine/strong-parameters (0.9.1)
Rails like Strong parameters for php - greg0ire/enum-bundle (1.1.0)
Integrates greg0ire/enum in a Symfony2 project - qbnk/qbank3api-phpwrapper (v0.3.0-alpha)
A PHP-Wrapper for QBank 3's API. Provides a simple way to communicate with QBank 3 from PHP. - techdivision/naming (0.1.5, 0.1.4)
Naming package implementation providing basic lookup functionality for beans. - doctrine/phpcr-bundle (1.2.0-RC3)
Symfony DoctrinePHPCRBundle - vinelab/cdn (v1.0.0-beta.3)
Content Delivery Network (CDN) Package for Laravel - koine/mvc (0.9.8)
Another MVC framework - cargomedia/cm (1.71.7, 1.71.6)
- apigen/apigen (v2.8.4)
PHP source code API generator - graze/data-structure (1.0.0)
Data collections and containers - cornernote/yii-account-module (1.3.0)
Account management for Yii including login/logout, lost password, update account, change password. - borfast/socializr (v0.2.2)
Simple PHP library for posting to several social networks. - spomky-labs/oauth2-interface (v2.1.0)
OAuth2 Server Interface library - rikiless/sphinx-search (0.9.2)
Simple handler to query sphinx search - appserver-io/build (0.1.17)
Generic build- and deployment targets - yandex-money/yandex-money-sdk-php (v3.0.1, v3.0.0)
Yandex.Money API SDK for PHP - aligncommerce/aligncommerce-php-lib (v1.1.1)
Align Commerce PHP Library - visualmedia/data_extract_bundle (1.0.1)
Symfony2 bundle that helps extending Bundles - vsn4ik/bootstrap-checkbox (v1.1.5)
A checkbox component based on Bootstrap framework - simsite/project (v0.9.5)
SimSite Project Skeleton - vsn4ik/bootstrap-submenu (v1.2.2)
Bootstrap Sub-Menus - majes/media-bundle (v1.20.7, v1.20.6)
Majes framework media bundle - greeneh/postcode (0.0.1)
Unified search for postcodes across various different providers. - icap/dropzone-bundle (0.7.2, 0.8.0)
- mcamara/laravel-localization (0.14.7)
Easy localization for Laravel 4 - boekkooi/jquery-validation-bundle (0.2)
Jquery form validation bundle for symfony 2 - bakame/period (1.0.0)
Period an immutable value object to deal with time range - ovr/cacher (0.1.1)
- claroline/core-bundle (3.5.0)
Claroline core bundle - bariew/yii2-doctest-extension (2.0.0-beta.2)
Executes @example docBlock params as test cases - netzmacht/contao-font-awesome (
Integrates Font Awesome into Contao frontend and backend - createloop/php-rbac (1.1.1)
rbac - netzmacht/contao-form-helper (0.3.2)
Library for supporting customized Contao form rendering - shanecav/easywpeasy (1.0.8)
An easy, portable WordPress skeleton using Composer. - mtserve/hp-idol-on-demand-suite-for-wp (0.1.0)
HP IDOL OnDemand Suite For WP is a plugin for working with the IDOL OnDemand API - leewillis77/open-exchange-rates-api (v1.0)
A PHP wrapper for the 'open exchange rates' API. - nackjicholson/file-parser (v2.0.0)
PHP package for parsing data contained in a file into a php array. - rodgermd/sofort2-bundle (v0.3.2)
Symfony 2 bundle for sofort payment PHP library - opensourcemind/natural-php (2.0.1, 2.0.0)
The Natural PHP Framework - askupa-software/amarkal-framework (0.2.0-alpha)
Development framework for WordPress. - paynova/paynova_php (v2.0.1)
Paynova PHP Client Library