
IBM developerWorks: Create a PHP development environment on the cloud

On the IBM developerWorks site today there's a new tutorial from Daniel Krook showing you how to use the IBM Cloud product to set up a development environment based on a Red Hat Enterprise server distribution with Zend Server as the PHP environment.

This article explains what makes cloud computing appealing to PHP developers and provides step-by-step instructions how to use the IBM Cloud to set up a PHP and DB2 development environment quickly. Learn how to provision Linux data and web application servers, connect to the virtual machines via SSH, use X Forwarding to install a pre-configured PHP distribution, and test your connection to DB2.

He starts with some benefits that the IBM Cloud can bring to developers and lists a few common goals that they look for in their development platforms. The rest of the post walks you through the setup and install of a sample instance - adding and configuring it, connecting via an SSH connection and installing Zend Server to give you a simple, hassle-free installation of a PHP environment.

