
Charles Sprayberry's Blog: DI and global state

In response to some of the comments made on his previous post about why you should use dependency injection in your applications, Charles Sprayberry is back with some more concrete examples showing how it all works with some code to back it up.

To help better explain each of the three aspects of DI I discussed in the previous article I'll be going over each more thoroughly and with those code examples requested. I'll be going through each point one at a time as the explanations will likely be of some length compared to the original post.

He starts with the "villain" of the story - the Singleton design pattern, a difficult to test method that lulls you into thinking you're not in the global scope. He talks about the problem of using this approach and how the Factory design pattern can be used to create an alternative. He changes up the example to create a "DbTableFactory" class that can be used to create the objects needed - in this case a "UserTable" object with the connection injected into it at construct time.

