
PHPMaster.com: An Intro to Virtual Proxies, Part 2

Following up on his previous article, Alejandro Gervasio has a new post to PHPMaster.com with the second part of his series on using virtual proxies in PHP.

Resting on the foundation of Polymorphism (dynamic Polymorphism, not the ad-hoc one often achieved through plain method overriding), Virtual Proxies are a simple yet solid concept which allows you to defer the construction/loading of expensive object graphs without having to modify client code.

He shows how to create a collection of domain objects that use proxies to populate their data. He includes the code for creating a "Post" interface/object as well as a Comment interface/object. These are put into a "CommentCollection" and, when it's accessed, pull the item in the collection out, only populating the data on demand.

