
Robert Basic: Unit testing Zend Framework 2 modules

Robert Basic has a new post showing you how to create unit tests for modules in your Zend Framework 2 applications. His example includes how to set up PHPUnit and how to write a few sample tests.

Porting this blog to Zend Framework 2, I decided to write some unit tests as well, while I'm at it. Not that the current code base doesn't have unit tests, just it doesn't have much of it... Anyway, I'd like to show how to get unit tests for modules up and running, as well how to throw in Mockery in the mix, as it can help us greatly with mocking out objects.

He includes the sample "phpunit.xml" configuration file contents, a "bootstrap.php" file to correctly initialize all the resources you'll need (including Mockery) and two kinds of tests - one on the service layer and another on the database layer.

