
QaFoo: Code Review Tool

On the QaFoo site they've shared a tool they use for doing code reviews in a new post to their blog. The tool, just called review, lets you run several different metrics on the code including the PHP "mess detector", PDepend and PHPCPD (copy & paste detector).

We, at Qafoo, do Code Reviews quite often together with our customers. This often focusses on dicussing metrics, browsing the associated code and discussing solutions for the issues found. We started using a bunch of shell scripts for that, like everyone else, but at some point we came up with a webinterface to do this in a more comfortable way. Now we want to share this tool with you.

Included in the post are several screenshots showing the results of the different types of evaluations - the ones mentioned above as well as things like "methods per class", cyclomatic complexity and NPath complexity. There's also a source code browser and a visual class structure generation tool (UML). It's under a AGPLv3 license and can be found on their site.

