
Simon Jodet: Partial mocks with Mockery

Simon Jodet has a new post to his site for the Mockery users out there (a mocking tool used in unit testing) showing how he created his partial object mocks.

I really like atoum and highly recommend it. However, because it's a young project, I have two problems with it: The documentation was really lagging but it's getting there and integration with other tools is poor. [...] And then I stumbled on Mockery. Unlike atoum, it doesn't replace PHPUnit, it just replaces its mocking system with a more elegant, powerful and reliable one. The big plus of Mockery over PHPUnit is that you don't need to have the class to mock to create a mock. [...] But writing partial mocks with Mockery is not obvious.

He illustrates with a "Database" class example containing four methods, only three of which he wants to mock out - dropTable, listTables and getSchema. The fourth method, "reset", is then called directly and the mocked methods are used inside that. The database connection mock is then injected into the Database mock and the test is run. Complete code examples are provided.

