
Anthony Ferrara: Preventing CSRF Attacks

Anthony Ferrara has written up a new post to his site looking at efective use of CSRF tokens and a few different strategies for generating them.

There's been a bit of noise in the past week about the proper way to prevent Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF) attacks. It seemed to have started with this post. There's been discussion in the comments, and on Twitter about it, and there seems to be several opposing viewpoints on the matter. I want to start off by saying that I agree completely with the post in question. But I figured I'd write a post to explain WHY I agree with it.

He starts with an overview of a few of the common types of request forgery including from a javascript injection, a Man-in-the-Middle attack and a replay attack. He then breaks up the "lines of defense" part of the post into three different sections - adding a hidden token field to forms, changing the token for each request and using random numbers when regenrating them.

