
Inviqa techPortal: PHPNE 2013 Conference Report

If you weren't able to attend this year's PHPNE conference, the Inviqua techPortal has posted this glimpse into what happened during this day long event.

As a native geordie I was pleased to have a chance to attend a PHP conference in the north east. Even after living in Manchester for nearly a decade now, Newcastle still feels like home. [...] I arrived in plenty of time to enjoy the complimentary bacon sandwich and coffee on offer before finding some faces I recognised and settling in to the Electra Room where the main track was due to start, with Inviqa's very own Rowan Merewood taking to the stage to deliver the opening keynote.

He goes through each of the talks he attended (including the keynote) and gives an overview of their content:

  • Building Better Developers (Rowan Merewood)
  • API Driven Development: Eating Your Own Dog Food (Alex Bilbie)
  • Measuring and Logging Everything in Real Time (Bastian Hofmann)
  • Modernisation of legacy PHP applications using Symfony2 (Fabrice Bernhard)
  • Introduction to Symfony CMF (Likas Kahwe Smith)
  • Keeping The Cloud In Check (Thijs Feryn)

I took something from every talk and I don't really have a bad word to say about any of it. I hope this does not end up as the only PHPNE, it is only a shame that next year a new venue will likely need to be found as I expect demand for tickets will be high.

