
PHPMaster.com: Scrum - An Agile Project's Best Friend

PHPMaster.com has posted a bit less of a technical article than usual and shares some of the concepts behind scrum, the project management style that's currently quite popular with development groups.

In an earlier article I wrote, we took a general look at project management and discussed what some of its pitfalls are that should be avoided. As part of that, I mentioned that you should, as much as possible, be using an Agile methodology, particularly Scrum, to manage development. I'd like to follow that up with a look at Scrum and at how we can use it to tame our projects.

He talks about the typical "waterfall" technique of project development - requirements up front and cross your fingers for the rest. He compares this to the agile process and how scrum, in particular, helps keep things from falling apart. He then gets in to "how to scrum" by defining some of the key terms and talking about things like:

  • Holding smaller meetings
  • Limiting scope and time frame
  • Looking for feedback
  • Constant reworking remaining time

...all at the same time, multiple times during the life of the project. Agile focuses on quick changes and updates because the project is constantly getting feedback from those asking for the product, giving them (hopefully) exactly what they want.

Link: http://phpmaster.com/scrum-an-agile-projects-best-friend

