
BinaryTides.com: Setup Nginx + php-FPM + apc + MariaDB on Debian 7 - The perfect LEMP server

On the BinaryTides.com site today there's a tutorial they've posted walking you through the full install process to get Nginx, PHP-FPM (with APC) and MariaDb working together on Debian, complete with configuration changes and all the commands you'll need.

Debian is a great choice for setting up linux webservers. According to current stats it is the most popular server OS followed closely by centos. I am a great fan of the apt/dpkg/gdebi commands, which make it so easy to install and update packages on the system. To setup a complete functional php webserver, you need to install a couple of extra things which include a webserver and a database. In this post we shall be setting up nginx, php, php-fpm, apc and maridb.

The tutorial is broken up into three main steps, each with clarification of what's involved:

  • Install Nginx on Debian
  • Install php and php-fpm
  • Install MariaDB on Debian

Link: http://www.binarytides.com/install-nginx-php-fpm-mariadb-debian

