
Aura Framework Blog: A Peek At Aura v2 -- Aura.Web

Continuing their series of "sneak peeks" at the coming functionality and features of the next generation of components from the Aura framework, their blog looks at the version 2 of Aura.Web. This component has been refactored because of the creation of the Aura.Dispatcher as well.

Aura.Web v1 took the parts of Solar related to web controllers and combined them into a single independent package. [...] In the Aura.Web case, it turns out extracting Aura.Dispatcher was the key to reducing the Aura.Web package contents. With Aura.Dispatcher, any object can be a controller, since it can dispatch to any method on any object (as well as dispatching to closures). In turn, there is no more need for the Aura.Web package to provide a base controller with interfaces for various implementations.

The rest of the post explains the two halves of the new Aura.Web version - the Request and Response - and what kinds of things are included in each. It also links each to the parts of the READMEs that deal with them, providing a bit more information.

Link: http://auraphp.com/blog/2013/11/11/aura-v2-web/

