
Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 01.28.2014

Latest PECL Releases:
  • APCu 4.0.3
    - Fix various compatibility problems
    - Fix a few lingering faults
    - Remove experimental eval serializer
    - Fix iterator for compatibility

  • protocolbuffers 0.2.1
    This is package.xml maintenance release only.

  • protocolbuffers 0.2.0
    Initial Release

  • swoole 1.6.10
    - Enabled by default async_mysql
    - Add tcp heartbeat mechanism
    - UDP send no require from_id
    - swoole_client on::Receive and on::Close no need to call recv/close
    - Add last_time and connect_time to tcp connection_info
    - rebuild data_buffer

  • ssdeep 1.0.4
    This is a build maintenance release only so there is no need to upgrade.

    - Make use of --with-libdir so installers can override the lib default (RHEL uses lib64 for example)
    - Clean up the build script to standardise the code constructs used
    - Add LICENSE, README and CREDITS to PECL package configuration

  • ssdeep 1.0.3
    Bug #60347 OSX can't build as .so hardcoded

