
PHPClasses.org: Lately in PHP Podcast #44 - "The Debate About All PHP Frameworks that Suck"

The PHPClasses.org site has posted their latest "Lately in PHP" episode - #44, "The Debate About All PHP Frameworks that Suck".

The video and the article about when Rasmus Lerdorf stated that in his opinion all PHP frameworks suck had great reprecussion. In this podcast the debate about reasons for this opinion continued with Manuel Lemos, Cesar Rodas and Yasir Siddiqui, the winner of PHP Innovation Award edition of 2013.

They also talked about the the Uniter PHP interpreter written in JavaScript, plans to remove the MySQL and IMAP extension in PHP 5.6, whether the next major PHP version should be PHP 6 or PHP 7.

You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page player, by downloading the audio or watching the video of the live recording.

Link: http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/227-The-Debate-About-All-PHP-Frameworks-that-Suck--Lately-in-PHP-podcast-episode-44.html

