
Jurian Sluiman: SoflomoCache: manage your ZF2 cache services

Jurian Sluiman has posted about the release of a tool that aims to help you with cache handling in your Zend Framework 2 applications, the SoflomoCache component.

aching is an essential part in scaling your application, but Zend Framework 2 was missing a utility to manage your caches. Until now! During deployments we usually flushed the cache in a tedious and cumbersome way by directly accessing the apc_* functions in a custom script. This could certainly be improved and so we wrote a command line utility to manage all our cache services.

He includes a few snippets of code showing how to implement the component in your configuration and use it via ZF2's dependency injection handling. He also includes a list of the commands that can be used along with it to flush the cache, either all simultaneously or a single one (defined as a CLI option). It can also flush by namespace and handle the refresh of your combined configuration and module map.

Link: https://juriansluiman.nl/article/134/soflomo-cache-manage-your-zf2-cache-services

