
PHP Town Hall: Episode 27: Josh Lockhart and Jeremy Mikola

The PHP Town Hall podcast is back with their latest episode, number 27, featuring two special guests: Jeremy Mikola and Josh Lockhart.

This episode is a long one, but we are back to improved audio and the video is not just one dude eating pizza for an hour. Josh Lockhart of PHP The Right Way and Slim fame, and Jeremy Mikola who is well known for banging on about clouds and playing magic the gathering. Oh, he also works for MongoDB.

The episode's discussion includes a wide range of topics (and plenty of rambling) about things like plans for Slim 3, Silex vs Slim, PHP The Right Way, Illuminate/Pagination and difficulties around pull requests. You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page player, by downloading the mp3 or you can watch the video of the live Google Hangout recording.

Link: http://phptownhall.com//blog/2014/06/29/episode-27-foo/

