
Laracasts: Laravel 5 and Behat: BFFs

The Laracasts site has a new screencast posted showing you how to integrate Behat with Laravel for functional testing of your application. Behat is an automated testing tool, written in PHP, that's made for frontend functional tests rather than backend, unit tests

It has always been a little tricky to hook Behat into Laravel. But, luckily, that's no longer the case. In this lesson, from scratch, we'll install both Laravel 5 and Behat 3, and then learn about using a special extension to make working with the two that much easier. In a follow-up lesson, we'll move on to discussing general BDD, and best practices for constructing your feature files.

You can watch the screencast on the Laracasts site and you can find out more about Behat from its documentation.

Link: https://laracasts.com/lessons/laravel-5-and-behat-bffs

