
Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 03.17.2015

Latest PECL Releases:
  • mongo 1.6.5
    ** Bug
    * [PHP-1406] - Connecting through SSL no longer works in PHP 5.6 with 2.4.13, 2.6.6, and later
    * [PHP-1407] - Hostname matching with Replica Set doesn't work pre PHP 5.6
    * [PHP-1412] - Compile error when OpenSSL is not available

    ** Improvement
    * [PHP-1410] - Add certification expiration matching

  • v8js 0.2.0
    - adapt to latest v8 API (v8 versions from 3.24.6 up to latest 4.3 branch supported now)
    - v8 debugging support
    - apply time & memory limits to V8Function calls
    - support mapping of PHP objects implementing ArrayAccess to native arrays
    - new API to set limits: setTimeLimit & setMemoryLimit methods on V8Js object
    - typesafe JavaScript function wrappers
    - improved back-and-forth object passing (rewrapping, correcty isolate unlocking)
    - fix property and method visibility issues
    - fix memory leaks

  • pecl_http 2.3.2
    * Fixed bug with httpQueryString::offsetSet() resetting the complete query string

  • json_post 1.0.0RC2
    * Split off pecl_http

  • swoole 1.7.12
    - Fixed swoole_server tcp buffer error
    - Fixed wrong error log

  • swoole 1.7.11
    - Fixed udp server called connection_info wrong
    - Fixed temporary files task disk space does not release
    - Fixed WebSocket onOpen event callback core dump
    - Fixed cannot use sendMessage in the task process
    - Fixed Websocket server Sec-WebSocket-Accept handshake failed
    - Fixed HttpServer in turn the KeepAlive continuous POST data coredump
    - Fixed MacOS/FreeBSD error ENOBUFF occurred in a large number of concurrent
    - Added HttpServer chunk transmission support
    - Added PCRE detection

  • apfd 1.0.0RC1
    * Split off pecl_http

  • json_post 1.0.0RC1
    * Split off pecl_http

