Michelangelo van Dam has posted the next part in his "QA in PHP development" series to his blog, a look at PHP_CodeSniffer, a tool that can be used to keep the coding standards of your application in line.
PHP_CodeSniffer is probably the most convenient tool out there to analyze your source code and to verify it complies to company policies. Although it's debatable why source code should follow strict guidelines, it's only a matter of time before you discover yourself that it pays off to have a code base that appears to be written by one developer.
He talks about how it works to keep every brace in the right place and format the same through out all of your files. He also mentions that its standards are flexible and can be modified as you might see fit. He looks at the installation process (both manual and through the PEAR installer) and how to use it to analyze your codebase. He's even included a short screencast in the post so you can see the results first-hand.