Blurring the lines of the usual conference scene, Lorna Mitchell has posted about her experience at a Python conference as a PHP developer (and a speaker at that).
A few weeks ago, while attending the delightful OggCamp, I was approached by someone asking me to speak at PyConUK. Well ... I'm a PHP developer, but as with most PHP developers, we just like good shiny tech and aren't religious about any particular language. So I instantly said yes and then started to worry what I was letting myself in for!
She mentions being happy for attending if for nothing else than that it allowed her a look at technology outside of the usual PHP bubble. The event featured session on topics ranging from music production on linux, the Nanode project, accessibility and Lorna's "Careers in Open Source" presentation.
Attending conferences/events that apply outside of your own community can lead to some great things. Be sure to poke your head up now and again and take in the bigger picture - there's more than just one language (or sets of technology) out there. Jump in and learn from them, even if you're just a beginner.