John Conde has shared some of his recent experience when he began job hunting as a PHP developer. If his experience is any indication, it's clearly a good time to be a (qualified) PHP developer.
I created my profile on on a Monday and made it public that night. The following Tuesday morning my telephone went nuts and my email inbox blew up with recruiters reaching out with positions that I was "perfect for". Over the course of the next week and a half (not including weekends) I spent 10-12 hours a day receiving and returning phone calls, and reading and responding to emails from recruiters.
He received calls from all over the country as well - "apparently experienced PHP developers are in short supply". He points out a few things he found interesting about the search like the fact that unit testing was never listed as a requirement (or even a "plus") in descriptions, only a few descriptions talked about memcache and that PHP wasn't the language over half of the employers were looking for.
He also shares a few hints for those looking for jobs right now, things to add to your resume or look for as far as skills most in demand:
- Have experience with frameworks
- Joomla was very commonly being used so being familiar with it is definitely a plus
- Have sample code to show your coding skills
- There's more to the world then PHP