- Anthony Ferrara's Blog: Handling Plugins In PHP
- Pádraic Brady's Blog: XSS in PHP (Part 1): How Not to Use Htmlspecialchars
- Kevin Schroeder's Blog: My first stab at the Dependency Injection Container in Zend Framework 2
- Smashing Magazine: Writing Unit Tests For WordPress Plugins
- Hari KT's Blog: Is there a design flaw for the Components or Packages made by Symfony2 and ZF2
- Ralph Schindler's Blog: PHP Constructor Best Practices And The Prototype Pattern
- PHPMaster.com: Role Based Access Control in PHP
- Daniel Krook's Blog: Migrating PHP applications to DB2
- PHPMaster.com: Form Validation with PHP
- Freek Lijten's Blog: Book Review - Growing Object-oriented software guided by tests
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