
OpenShift Blog: Getting started with PHP, CodeIgniter, MongoDB, and the cloud (OpenShift)

On the OpenShift blog today there's a new post about how to get started using their service together with CodeIgniter and MongoDB to create a simple site.

In this blog post, I am going to show you how to get up and running with CodeIgniter and MongoDB. Best of all, I will show you how to get all of this deployed to a fully scalable environment using OpenShift from Red Hat.

The process involves:

  • Creating an OpenShift account
  • Installing the RHC client tools
  • Creating an OpenShift application
  • Adding mongodb to your application
  • Adding mongodb support to CodeIgniter
  • Creating a Model, View, and Controller
  • Deploy and test your application

You can then SSH into the instance and look at the database to call a "find()" and see what's there.

