Matthew Weier O'Phinney was recently looking around for a cloud host that he could test out a few things on. He's shared some of that experience in his latest post to his site, specifically in dealing with the OpenShift service from RedHat.
I considered Amazon,, and a few others, but was concerned about the idea of a ~$50/month cost for something I'm uncertain about. When I asked in, someone suggested OpenShift as an idea, and coincidentally, the very next day Zend announced a partnership with RedHat surrounding OpenShift. The stars were in alignment. In the past month, in the few spare moments I've had (which included an excellent OpenShift hackathon at ZendCon), I've created a quick application that I've deployed and tested in OpenShift. These are my findings.
He talks about getting a Zend Framework 2 application up and running with a few changes to the default directory structure they provide. He also talks about using Composer as a deploy task. He mentions a few of the tricks to watch out for as you're deploying your app and some of the "good parts" he found about the product and experience (like being able to use CNAMEs and having SSH access to the instance by default.