- Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
- /Dev/Hell Podcast: Episode 4: The Cool Kids Club
- Reddit.com: PHP.net gets a new design. Opinions divided
- Paul Reinheimer's Blog: Cookies don't replace Sessions
- Francois Zaninotto's Blog: Node.js for PHP Programmers #1: Event-Driven Programming... and Pasta
- Charles Sprayberry's Blog: Why you should use DI
- PHPMaster.com: Bending XML to Your Will
- Lorna Mitchell's Blog: Building A RESTful PHP Server: Routing the Request
- KingFoo Blog: PHP 5.4 - What's new?
- Project: Patchwork-UTF8 - UTF8 Support for PHP
- Codeception Blog: Introduction to Codeception
- Mike Purcell's Blog: Use PHPUnit without PEAR
- DevShed: Using Closures as View Helpers
- PEAR Blog: What would you do with 5 million lines of code?
- NetTuts.com: Testing your PHP Codebase with EnhancePHP
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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