
Matt Frost: Dependency Injection Container Question

In his latest post Matt Frost takes a look at dependency injection. He thinks out loud about some of the common uses for it but wonders if there's a middle ground for using a DIC and injecting manual dependencies.

The question I have is what if a dependency in one class also has a dependency? To illustrate what I mean, here's an example with some code to follow. [...] I'm not really concerned about the code here as much as I am about the concept that I'm trying to illustrate, in order to use a dependency injection container for this scenario.

In his example code, he shows a "DBAuthMethod" class that extends the "AuthMethod" interface and an "Auth" class that requires an instance of "AuthMethod" as a constructor parameter. He wonders about constructor versus setter injection and thinks that a mix of the two may not be the best structure for the code.

I just can wrap my mind around a scenario where you could ONLY use a DIC, and if you can't use the concept exclusively what benefit is there to using it?

Have any suggestions to share? Let him know - this is a problem more and more developers run into as DIC becomes more widely used.

