- Code2Learn.com: Using HighCharts with php , MySQL and CodeIgniter
- Shashikant Jagtap's Blog: PHPUnit + Behat/Mink + Page Object: The Rockstar Combination of Testing
- Brandon Savage's Blog: Book Review: The Grumpy Programmer's Guide To Building Testable Applications
- DZone.com: PHP Ajax Cookbook (Book Review)
- Code2Learn.com: Generating CSV file using CodeIgniter Framework
- PHPMaster.com: Maintaining your Server with Command Line PHP
- Gaurish Patil's Blog: URL rewriting in Yii to hide index.php
- Lee Davis' Blog: Zend Paginator Example
- ServerGrove Blog: How to Create a Cache Warmer in Symfony2
- Nodeable Blog: Marten Mickos: The LAMP Stack is Dead, and Cloud has Killed It
- PHPMaster.com: An Intro to Virtual Proxies, Part 1
- Lee Davis' Blog: In ORM's Defense
- NetTuts.com: Advanced CodeIgniter Profiling With XHProf
- Hakre's Blog: Iterating over Multiple Iterators at Once
- Community News: OSCON 2012 Schedule Announced (with PHP Track)
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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