
Community News: Peers Conference 2013

There's a conference coming up at the end of this month (tickets still available) that focuses on "people, not plugins and solutions, not software" - the Peers Conference.

Peers is a tech conference for web designers, PHP developers and web business owners. Love ExpressionEngine? Curious about Craft? Learning all about Laravel? Whether you're a pixel-pusher, an artisan or a maker, Peers is for you.

At Peers conference, you'll hear from a variety of voices. We've engaged some of the top people within our community to come and share their wisdom. Because running a business and keeping up with the latest trends is daunting. Who better to help than your peers?

The event is being held in Chicago on June 26th through the 28th and has lots of great speakers and sessions planned for this year. You can still get the Early Bird price of $299 USD that includes admittance into the conference, event attendance and meals.

Link: http://peersconf.com

