Piotr Pasich has a new post to his site today showing you how you can use the Symfony2 router with CakePHP, another popular PHP framework. He talks about some of his own experiences using CakePHP and how one module "left a bitter aftertaste" when using it - the route handling.
The second version of CakePhp still has a lot old-fashioned patterns, singletons or lack of tests, but I can live with that. I saw a lot of better or worse frameworks in my life.
He goes through an example of the CakePHP routing including some sample code and a walk-through of the code that actually handles the request. He points out some of the "clean code" violations it makes and gets started integrating the Symfony2 router instead. He extends the CakePHP router and uses this plugin to bridge between the two. He then can call the Symfony router with only slight modifications to things like the "getPath" calls.
Link: http://piotrpasich.com/cakephp-with-symfonys2-router/