
Pascal Martin: October 2014 on internals@php

Pascal Martin has posted his latest summary of the discussions happening on the php.internals mailing list for the month of October 2014.

809 messages have been exchanged in October 2014 on PHP's internals@ mailing-list - a bit more than in September. [...] First of all, PHP 5.6 has entered its normal cycle of releases, with a first maintenance version at the beginning of the month.

He includes a graph of the (monthly) number of emails over the last year and how October fits in. Topics mentioned include:

If you'd like to follow along with the discussions or are interested in getting an "inside look" at what's going on with the language, you can use either the web-based reader or subscribe to the mailing list.

Link: http://blog.pascal-martin.fr/post/php-mailing-list-internals-october-2014-en

