- Dutch Web Alliance: The definitive remote debug and unittest with PHPStorm guide
- Binary Tides Blog: Setup Apache 2.4 and Php FPM with mod proxy fcgi on Ubuntu 13.10
- Community News: "PHP Beyond the web" (ebook)
- Qandidate.com: Using Satis for fast and reliable software deployment
- CodeBlog.ch: Book Review - Learning FuelPHP for Effective PHP Development
- Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 12.03.2013
- PHP Town Hall: Episode #16: Laravel 4.1, Go and the Vagrant Fistfight
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Translation and Text-to-Speech with Microsoft Translator
- Paul Jones: The Difference Between Factories, Registries, and Service Locators
- Kristopher Wilson: Decoupling the Framework
- Community News: Latest PEAR Releases for 12.02.2013
- Inviqa techPortal: Create a RESTful API with Apigility
- Benjamin Eberlei: Feature Flags and Doctrine Entities
- Tech.pro: How to Create an RSS Feed Using PHP and PDO
- Community News: PHP The Right Way adds Dependency Injection Information
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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