
SitePoint PHP Blog: 3 Ways to Develop Cross Platform Desktop Apps with PHP

In a new post to the SitePoint PHP blog today editor Bruno Skvorc shares a summary of three ways to make desktop applications with PHP that will run across multiple platforms.

PHP as a cross-platform desktop app development language? Blasphemy! Nonetheless, it's possible. A few years ago, everything those interested in bringing PHP to the desktop had had was the now long abandoned GTK PHP. Since then, new players have appeared, though let's first answer the "why".

He answers the "why" question with a list of "several far fetched scenarios" but points out that there's much better tools for the job. He then gets into the three different tools that can be used to make the desktop applications:

He briefly introduces each, explores a bit of what they can do and looks at some of the major hinderances that come with them. He ends with a few links to other, less well-developed options like PHPDesktop, Webinder and PHP GTK.

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/3-ways-develop-cross-platform-desktop-apps-php/

