The SitePoint PHP blog has posted the latest part in their Jenkins+PHP series today. In this new article (the final part in the series) they use the Jenkins setup they've walked you through already and actually run the analysis on the PHP project and the resulting information.
The results of Jenkins come from different tools and will be placed in different locations within the Jenkins GUI. [...] Within this article, we will be going through each tool and have a look at what it reports back to us. In the end, we will also look at some extra details Jenkins collects for us. Since we build the same project several times, we will get straight lines within our graphs. In a real project, the graph would fluctuate.
He goes through some examples of the results from his analysis including screenshots and explanations for:
- PHP_CodeSniffer
- PHP MD (Mess Detector)
- PHP CPD (Copy & Paste Detector)
- PHP Depend
- PHPLOC (Lines Of Code)
- PHPUnit
- PHPDox
He also briefly mentions the "changes" information, showing you what changed in that particular build to help narrow down any issues that might have come up.