
SitePoint PHP Blog: How to Build an OctoberCMS Theme

The SitePoint PHP blog has a new post in their series covering the OctoberCMS today, this time looking at how to create a custom theme. They walk you through the creation of a simple "blogging" theme type with posts, categories and home/about pages.

October CMS is the new star in the sky of CMSes. Built on top of Laravel, it promises joyful coding and a back to basics approach. Read our introduction here and find out how to build plugins for it here. In this article, we're going to see how we can build a theme.

Their theme makes use of the rainlab plugin allowing for the use of Markdown content in your posts. They start by adding in the directories and base files needed for the theme to the "themes" directory. With the plugin installed they start working through the configuration content and setup of the theme files including PHP and markup sections. He also shows how to use placeholders, partials and layouts in the content of the posts. Next is the static pages, About and Home, with a bit simpler configuration. The code is then included for the remainder of the pages: single posts, categories and the post listing.

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/build-octobercms-theme/

