
SitePoint PHP Blog: CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) in a Laravel App

The SitePoint PHP blog continues their series around the creation of a basic CRUD (create, read, update and delete) application with PHP. In this second part of the series they build on the simple application in the first part and enhance it with the remainder of the CRUD handling.

In the previous part, we've bootstrapped our Laravel CRUD application by creating the database, some controllers, basic routes and simple views. In this part, we'll wrap things up and implement proper CRUD.

He jumps right in and creates the controller action and view to take in new "Task" information. This includes the installation of the Illuminate HTML package and setup of the needed provider and facades. He shows how to create the Task model and hook the results of the request into it and make the new record. This includes some basic "required" validation too. He then shows how to read and display the list of current tasks as well as setting up the edit and delete actions for each task.

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/crud-create-read-update-delete-laravel-app/

