
Cal Evans' Blog: Don't Hire PHP Community Members!

Cal Evans has posted a great tongue-in-cheek post to his blog today giving reasons why you shouldn't hire PHP community members to work at your company.

It is no secret that I spend a lot of time promoting the PHP Community. It is a vibrant, helpful and friendly community and I've said before that I believe it to be one of the most important asserts of the PHP language. I'm also a realist though; I've built teams and I've hired developers. [...] I have experience in this area and I have strong opinions. I am going to share one of those opinions with you right now: Don't hire developers who are active members of the PHP Community.

His list of "don't hire" reasons are:

  • PHP community members solve problems
  • If they can't solve a problem, they usually know who can
  • They love to show off
  • They make their employers look good at conferences.
  • They work for free

For each topic, he gives a brief summary explaining its relation to the "don't hire" mentality. Reading between the lines, you'll see his true message, though - PHP community members have a lot to offer you and your business. Their visibility and experience (and connections) can only benefit the work they do.

