
Sameer Borate's Blog: Building a Graph data structure in PHP

In the latest post to his blog Sameer Borate takes a look at using the Structures_Graph package from PEAR to create data structures in PHP with linked nodes for directed and undirected graphs.

The Pear Structures_Graph package allows creating and manipulating graph data structures. It allows building of either directed or undirected graphs, with data and metadata stored in nodes. The library provides functions for graph traversing as well as for characteristic extraction from the graph topology.

After sharing the one-line install, he shows how to create some instances of the package's Nodes and how to connect them to a graph and link them to other nodes. He includes a few examples - a simpler one with multiple nodes joined in a directed graph, another showing how to associate data with a node and how to query the graph for node connections and testing to see if the graph is acyclic.

