
Gonzalo Ayuso's Blog: How to use eval() without using eval() in PHP

In this new post Gonzalo Ayuso talks about "using eval without using eval" in PHP applications - executing PHP code without having to use the eval function to do it.

Yes I know. Eval() is evil. If our answer is to use eval() function, we are probably asking the wrong question. When we see an eval() function all our coding smell's red lights start flashing inside our mind. Definitely it's a bad practice. But last week I was thinking about it. How can I eval raw PHP code without using the eval function, and I will show you my outcomes.

He includes some sample code showing a basic script with a class and a loop executing normally, then an "eval version" that puts it all in a string and executes it. He offers a different method - not an ideal one since it requires being able to write to the local file system, but prevents the need for eval - writing the PHP code to a temporary file and using a "fake eval" to pull it in.

