
Joshua Thijssen's Blog: PHPShout : a shoutcast streamer in PHP

Joshua Thijssen has a new series of posts to his blog about a new extension he's created for PHP that lets you stream music files to an IceCast server with only PHP.

To continue our journey in pointless, but nevertheless fun things to create, I've created a simple PHP extension that allows you stream music data to an IceCast server in pure PHP. For this I'm using the libshout3 library which can stream both MP3 or OGG/Vorbis data to multiple stream servers (including IceCast, ShoutCast etc). In this blog-post I will try to explain how I've created this extension, and off course, how you can use it.

The series is split up into four parts:

  • Part 1 - download and install (and some behind the scenes)
  • Part 2 - parts of the extension and a first test
  • Part 3 - populating the store, adding getters
  • Part 4 - creating setters and some other random functionality

You can find the source for this extension over on his gihub repository.

