
Kevin Schroeder's Blog: Remote Debugging with the Zend Debugger and PHPUnit

Kevin Schroeder has a quick new post with a one-liner you can use to get remote debugging working with Zend Debugger and PHPUnit.

I'm trying to do some remote debugging with PHPUnit on a remote system. I was following the rules I had written about in a previous article but for some reason I could not get path mapping to work. So I figured I'd ping the Studio lead developer because as soon as I did that I'd get it to work. Well, that's what happened.

His fix comes in the form of setting a command-line parameter, QUERY_STRING, with the correct parameter order so the paths will get mapped back to the correct project. This parameter is a URL-encoded set of parameters that do things like start the debugging, set up the hostname for the debugger to point to and map the "original URL" back to your choice of values.

