
MaltBlue.com: The Birth of PHP Cloud Development Podcasts (dot com)

On the MaltBlue.com blog today there's a new post about a new podcast that's in the works targeted at PHP developers working on cloud-based applications - the PHP Cloud Development Podcast.

You've watched RailsCasts, you've watched ZendCasts - but what about screencasts for PHP Cloud Development techniques? Well, we were surprised to find that there was nothing, yet, available to satisfy that need. There's cloud development casts for .Net developers and presumably for Java developers as well. But not much in the PHP space. So we decided to commit to the project and make it happen.

The shows will be about 10 to 20 minutes in length and will cover topics relevant to developing applications on cloud-based servers. They're still working on some of the first shows, but you can voice your opinions about what you'd like to hear about by commenting on commenting on this post.

