
The Bakery: 3.0: a peek into CakePHP's future

The Bakery (the CakePHP site) has posted a list of things to come in the 3.0 release of the popular PHP framework.

Since its creation, more than 7 years ago, CakePHP has grown with a life of its own. Its main goal has always been to empower developers with tools that are both easy to learn and use, leverage great libraries requiring low documentation and low dependencies too. We've had several big releases along these years and an ever growing community. Being one of the most popular frameworks out there and probably the first one (!) we have also gotten a lot of criticism from the developer community in general. We have, though, accepted it and learnt from our mistakes to keep building the best PHP framework there is.

Some of the coming improvements include:

  • Drop support for 5.2.x and support 5.4+ only
  • Use traits were possible and makes sense
  • Model layer rewrite
  • Improve Router
  • Improve bootstrapping process to allow more developer control and better performance

You can find more about the current features of the framework on it's main project site.

