
Vance Lucas: Handling Exceptions in Gearman Tasks (Even Background Ones)

Vance Lucas has a quick new post to his site showing you how to handle exceptions in Gearman tasks so that they can be logged correctly as a failure.

I recently had some issues with Gearman tasks throwing exceptions and killing the whole Gearman daemon. This made it nearly impossible to trace errors back to their origin, because the logged exception stack trace didn't provide much useful information, because it just logged where it failed in Gearman. [...] The only other place to add code that will catch exceptions for all jobs run is in the GearmanWorker::addFunction method.

To solve the issue, he ends up passing in a closure that takes in the $task and wraps its execution in a try/catch to handle the exception correctly. This is then thrown to a custom exception handler and logged for future diagnosis.

