
Zumba Engineering Blog: Creating a testing interface for your API

In a new post to the Zumba Engineering blog, they share an interface they use for testing on their API (after working with something similar from another company).

They provide the documentation to the methods and I saw they have a simple interface to test their methods: Ooyala API Scratchpad. This interface was very useful while we integrate with them and I thought: "Why we don't have one interface like that for our API?" I started a page with Twitter Bootstrap to have a similar functionality, which the goal was to get an interface easy to developers see the response for multiple HTTP protocols, set the parameters, etc.

The interface uses Javascript to make requests over to a RESTful API and returns the response JSON directly to the page. It's a little bit customized to how their API works, but it's a good foundation for anyone looking to implement something similar. You can get the full code for it over on github.

