
Procurios Tech Blog: Autocompleting a lot of parameters

Pim Elshoff has a recent post on the Procurios tech blog looking at autocompletion on function calls and an alternative to the "too many parameters" problem.

Some methods have many parameters. Sometimes they start out like that, sometimes they grow like that over time. Even though a maximum of two parameters is preferable, configuration for a method that does a big thing is difficult. Take curl for example; curl has a lot of options and so several wrappers around curl have arisen to deal with configuring it in a more humane manner. How can we keep the clutter of many parameters as low as possible, while maintaining autocompletion?

He gives an example of a function that takes too many arguments and how it's difficult to read (and remember the right order/types to give). He does mention one way that's sometimes used - arrays - but you lose typing checks with that. His best recommendation is to use a fluent interface instead. Not only does it make it more readable but it also works with the autocompletion in most IDEs.

Link: http://tech.procurios.nl/archief/2013/10/11/Autocompleting-a-lot-of-parameters

