
Qandidate Blog: Running symfony standard edition on HHVM

On the Qandidate.com blog they have a new post (the second in a series, actually) about getting a Symfony application running on HHVM, the virtual machine version of the HipHop engine originally developed by Facebook. In this second post they show how to install and configure Symfony in a newly installed HHVM instance.

In part one of this series we talked about "Getting started with HHVM" by getting a compiled version of HHVM running in a vagrant box. In this part we'll configure the HHVM webserver to run the symfony standard edition.

They include full instructions for getting the full Standard edition of Symfony, installing Composer and configuring the HHVM server to correctly point to the application's document root. There's also virtual host and static file configurations included too. There's a few changes that need to be made on the Symfony side as well around session storage and timezones. When the server is started up and all goes well, the default Symfony page should come up when you visit the right address.

Link: http://labs.qandidate.com/blog/2013/10/21/running-symfony-standard-on-hhvm/

