
NetTuts.com: Using Laravel 5's Authentication Facade

The NetTuts.com site has a new tutorial posted today sharing more information about the authentication facade in Laravel 5 and how to use it to implement simple, custom authentication handling.

Authentication is a part of almost all the web applications you work with. It's really boring to keep repeating all the boilerplate code in every project. Well, the good news is Laravel 5 rids you of this boredom by providing a ready-to-use authentication facade. All you need to do is configure and customize the authentication service provider to your project's needs. In this quick tip, I am going to show you exactly how to do that.

It's a seven step process to get things up and running (it sounds like a lot but all the code is provided):

  • Setting Up the Environment
  • Setting Up the Migrations
  • Configuring the Registrar Service
  • Updating the User Model
  • Updating the View
  • Securing Your Routes
  • Modifying the Default Authentication Routes

Each step includes the code needed and a brief summary of what's happening and how it effects the overall authentication setup. He also ends the post with a brief mention of the "password reset" email functionality and where the content for that email is located.

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/using-laravel-5s-authentication-facade--cms-23461

