
PMG Blog: Symfony from Scratch

In the latest post to the PMG blog Chris Davis shows us how to create a Symfony application from scratch, that is without using the Symfony Standard repository/skeleton application.

The end goal here is to have an application that will send a simple Hello World message. So we're going to cover the core framework stuff, but save things like templating, database access, ORMs, and forms for later. The goal here to see how to scaffold a Symfony app to better understand why symfony standard does what it does and where to deviate. We'll end up with an app that uses the Symfony 3 directory structure.

Starting with the smallest "composer.json" he can (just symfony/symfony) he walks through the creation of the application one step at a time:

  • The Application Kernel
  • Handling Web Requests
  • What's in a Bundle?
  • Stepping into Configuration
  • AppBundle
  • Hello, World

The end result is a simple page outputting a "Hello, World" message, but it gives you a good foundation to work from and understanding of the simplest pieces needed to make a Symfony application.

Link: https://www.pmg.com/blog/symfony-from-scratch/

