Michelangelo van Dam has posted the second part of his look at PHPUnit in his "Quality Assurance in PHP Projects" blog post series. This is a continuation from part one.
I hope everyone enjoyed my first article on unit testing with phpunit where I started writing a few tests that would guide us building our little game of tictactoe. Today I'm going start with turning these tests into working code and adjusting our tests to have a clear separation of responsibility. Since we already know what the code should produce, we only have to work out the details.
He picks up where he left off on his "tic-tac-toe" example by defining some of the classes that will be needed to fulfill the tests and a sample test to check the generated grid's contents. He includes the Grid class that will do the job (full code included) and a full test case class that runs his example with checks on testGameGridIsSetAtStart, testGridCanPositionASymbol, testGridHasThreeSymbolsInARow and testGridHasThreeSymbolsInAColumn, some with their own data providers.