- Pique Web Podcast: Pique Web Episode 3 - Sessions, accounts, and the PHP Anthem
- SitePoint PHP Blog: How to Upload Large Files in PHP
- Michael Babker's Blog: The Death of Joomla! - Negative Attitudes & Closed Minded Leadership
- Pablo Viquez's Blog: MySQL Profiling and Zend Framework
- Richard Thomas' Blog: Solar Framework Shorts - Controlling form layout
- Kevin Schroder's Blog: You want to do WHAT with PHP?
- Facebook Engineering Blog: HipHop for PHP: six months later
- Daniel Jensen's Blog: Database gearman worker in PHP example
- Designer Daily: 8 useful recipes to improve your WordPress theme
- Nisha.in: Big List Of CMS Based on PHP
- Ibuildings Blog: Supporting a PHP migration
- Johannes Schluter's Blog: References and foreach
- Matthew Turland's Blog: Process Isolation in PHPUnit
- NETTUTS.com: The Newbie's Guide to Test-Driven Development
- ThinkPHP Blog: MySQLnd Plugins: Writing a MySQL Query Logger in PHP
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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